View Full Version : Knoppix Vs. NTFS

11-22-2003, 10:20 PM
Hey all,

I'm new to the Knoppix world, but I must say it is a sweet deal! Just wondering though will it ever be able to mount NTFS partitions or no?

If not, can someone explain to me why it can read but not write to NTFS?


11-23-2003, 12:26 AM
As you know Knoppix is a Linux distribution based on the 2.4.x kernal.

2.4.x by default has poor NTFS read and minimal, but DANGEROUS write support. 2.5 and 2.6 has a newer NTFS driver that has much much better NTFS read support. It also only supports writing if the file size stays the same.

If you or anyone can help with NTFS support the Linux NTFS site is here:

11-23-2003, 01:46 AM
Thanks for your reply asjones, but does this then mean that if I use Windows XP for my primary operating environment and it crashes on me, I can not use the Knoppix CD to recover my files?

Also, what did you mean when you said that writing to NTFS was dangerous?


11-23-2003, 03:37 AM
You can read NTFS just fine, just don't write to NTFS.

As far as recovering files from Windows XP; about 3 weeks ago I used Knoppix to rescue our Windows 2000 server with NTFS and a software mirror that other professional paid for recovery products could not handle. The software mirror, NTFS, and the SCSI drivers caused problems for every other program. We had a few minor read problems, but nothing major..

As far as "dangerioius", even the people that wrote the NTFS driver don't recoomend writing.

Just use knoppix to recover the files to a FAT 32 USB "Jumpdrive" or copy the files over a network to aother comptuer. If copying to another comptuer that other compter writes NTFS and Knoppox just copies the files to the other comptuer and that comptuer handles the NTFS writing.

That is what we did the last time. setup the messed up server on Knoppix and the other computer with an NTFS drive and copied the files "accross the wire".

Getting Knoppix to talk with Windows on a network etc is a little confusing so I suggest reading other related threads and try it out before you have a problem. That is what took us the longest on our recovery.

hope this helps....


11-23-2003, 03:40 AM

Thanks for your time here friend! I am confident that Knoppix will come in handy if I ever find myself in such a situation.

Take care,