View Full Version : knopixx 3.1 questions

11-25-2003, 05:10 AM
I have knopixx 3.1 and would like to hook up my iomege 100 zip drive. If I click on the icon by the clock, which brings up the mount things,
and then select hda/sda; I get a message saying that it was unable to determine the filesystem or something similiar. How do I hook this up and then save whatever files I need to preserve this onto the zip drive?

btw...I have WinXP with ntfs, so I need to use the zip for storage. Is it dangerous to convert ntfs to fat 32 -I have partition magic, but I'm still a bit worried about losing a lot data.

I have 56k -so it's not possible to get the new one at the moment.
Also, I have a question about setting up a winmodem, but I'll wait until this gets answered.

Thanks. :lol:

11-25-2003, 01:14 PM
--Factory Zip disks all have partition 4 (/dev/sda4) - try that. You can verify with root ' fdisk -l /dev/sda '.

--If you're at all worried about data integrity, BACK UP 1st. IMHO you'll be better off w/o NTFS.

--You can also order a new version of Knoppix on the web, there are several vendors. Here's a cheapbytes link, Knoppix is near the bottom.


I have knopixx 3.1 and would like to hook up my iomege 100 zip drive. If I click on the icon by the clock, which brings up the mount things,
and then select hda/sda; I get a message saying that it was unable to determine the filesystem or something similiar. How do I hook this up and then save whatever files I need to preserve this onto the zip drive?

btw...I have WinXP with ntfs, so I need to use the zip for storage. Is it dangerous to convert ntfs to fat 32 -I have partition magic, but I'm still a bit worried about losing a lot data.

I have 56k -so it's not possible to get the new one at the moment.
Also, I have a question about setting up a winmodem, but I'll wait until this gets answered.

Thanks. :lol: