View Full Version : There's an problem with GCJ on the 3.3-2003-11-19 release

11-26-2003, 05:33 PM
In the Knoppix distribution, the executables for GCJ (the GNU Java compiler) include a version number in their names (ie. "gcj-3.3" instead of just the usual "gcj"). However, Klaus does include normal-name symlinks in /usr/bin to avoid people having problems.

Recently, Knoppix has upgraded GCJ from version 3.2 to 3.3. However, apparently Klaus forgot to update his symlinks before building the latest ISO's... all those symlinks are still pointing to 3.2 versions that aren't there.

Is there some procedure in place for reporting bugs of this sort? I tried going to Klaus' personal Knoppix website, but it's closed down with some message about European politics that I didn't really understand.

11-26-2003, 05:50 PM
Is there some procedure in place for reporting bugs of this sort? I tried going to Klaus' personal Knoppix website, but it's closed down with some message about European politics that I didn't really understand.

Klaus' Knoppix site is at http://knopper.net/knoppix/index-old-en.html

The massage about European politics was part of a campaign about a vote in the EU on software patents, but it happened ages ago and most people have taken theirs down. I don't know why Klaus hasn't.

11-26-2003, 10:36 PM
Is there some procedure in place for reporting bugs of this sort?
You can use the bugzilla (http://www.knoppix.net/bugs/) BTW this link is at the top of every page on the website here as bugs just under the Knoppix.net logo at the top.