View Full Version : Wine and Knoppix

11-27-2003, 09:59 AM
Hy Guys,

i have windows installed on my notebook plus several apps.
i boot knoppix from cd.
how do i install wine under knoppix?

which wine version do i need?
where can i download it?


11-27-2003, 01:00 PM
Wine is installed in knoppix. I recommend you to use Knoppix 3.2 because wine is 20030508 and this is the one I like using because many windows aplications run well.

Configurating is easy. The only thing you have to do is click on your windows partition icon (in order to mount it) and then click the program you want to run. It will appear a small window asking you what program do you want to use, select wine and remember file type asiciation.

Then other window would appear with green letters, click buttom configure and I recomend you click allways next (ok select win98 apperance), then finish. You have configured wine, and your windows programs will work (some of them).

You can use Knoppix 3.3 or latter with wine newer versions, but I can run less programs than with 20030508, I'm trying to install this version in Knoppix 3.3 so if I have succes I'll tell you.

visit http://www.winehq.org/site/download for updates

11-27-2003, 01:18 PM
ok, thank you so far.
but there comes the next prob.

i'm using knoppix 3.1.
in the dialog to chose the program, i can't find wine.

i have found a wine directory but as far as i can see, it is emty.

is wine only available at knoppix 3.2 or higher??


11-27-2003, 02:02 PM
Hy again.
I don't have knoppix 3.1 so I don't know if there is wine but you can see it in kpackage.

If it is there you can use winesetuptk to configure it (you can download it from winehq.com) it's so easy.

I wine is not present you can download a debian version and install it, for example (in Spain):
- ftp://ftp.rediris.es/debian/pool/main/w/wine/

Look there or in your nearest ftp