View Full Version : Cannot Play Audio CDs

11-27-2003, 10:40 PM
As root I can play audio cd, with xmms or kscd, as root.

Cannot do this as my regular user.

I've checked permissions, and changed owner of kscd to a user, but this still did not work.

Any ideas?


11-28-2003, 12:14 AM
As root I can play audio cd, with xmms or kscd, as root.

Cannot do this as my regular user.

I've checked permissions, and changed owner of kscd to a user, but this still did not work.

Any ideas?

Try XMMS and in the Play Location use /dev/cdrom.

11-28-2003, 12:32 AM
Try XMMS and in the Play Location use /dev/cdrom.

I've tried /dev/cdaudio and /dev/cdrom and neither work with XMMS and KsCD.

I think it is a permission issue.

11-28-2003, 02:54 AM
I've tried /dev/cdaudio and /dev/cdrom and neither work with XMMS and KsCD.

I think it is a permission issue.

That's weird what do the links look like here's what it looks like on mine.

[09:54 PM Thu Nov 27: stephen @ ~]
>$ ll /dev/cdrom
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2003-11-27 15:16 /dev/cdrom -> /dev/cdrom0
[09:54 PM Thu Nov 27: stephen @ ~]
>$ ll /dev/cdrom0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2003-11-27 15:16 /dev/cdrom0 -> /dev/scd0
[09:54 PM Thu Nov 27: stephen @ ~]
>$ ll /dev/scd0
brwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11, 0 2002-03-14 17:54 /dev/scd0
[09:54 PM Thu Nov 27: stephen @ ~]

Just to ask the totally obvious you are a member of both the audio and cdrom groups for the user you are trying to play the CD with? Can you get access if you put a data CD in the drive and either click on the shortcut on the desktop or mount from the command line? And what is the exact error it gives you when you try to play in either program.

You can check the group membership by using groupsor id in a console window. If you are not a member of either then adduser user_name audio or cdrom as root then logout and back in for the changes to take effect.

11-28-2003, 06:17 AM
I've added my user, adduser user cdrom, and that didn't work.

My output looks like this:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 8 18:59 /dev/cdrom -> /dev/scd0

No output for /dev/cdrom0

brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 0 May 31 2001 /dev/scd0

When I run kscd, this is the error message that I get...

CD-ROM read or access error ( or no audio disc in drive )

Please make sure you have access premissions to /dev/cdrom

11-28-2003, 06:39 AM
I've added my user, adduser user cdrom, and that didn't work.

My output looks like this:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Nov 8 18:59 /dev/cdrom -> /dev/scd0

No output for /dev/cdrom0

brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 0 May 31 2001 /dev/scd0

When I run kscd, this is the error message that I get...

CD-ROM read or access error ( or no audio disc in drive )

Please make sure you have access premissions to /dev/cdrom

I would say use chmod 777 /dev/scd0 as root to give it the same permissions as mine and anybody should be able to access the device.

11-28-2003, 03:20 PM
Got it.

I had to chmod ugo+x on scdo0 and cdrom and it works.
