View Full Version : captive ntfs

12-04-2003, 01:22 PM
I could be interesting to test captive ntfs knoppix


Anybody know about remaster version including it?

12-05-2003, 02:07 AM
This would be interesting to have since Knoppix is often used as a repair disk. I don't know how Klaus would feel about it in terms of possible licensing or other problems. There really shouldnt be any problem though. None of the Captive code is from MS. In theory this is no different from Wine which can be configured to use MS code. Wine is already included so why not Captive?

12-05-2003, 07:34 PM
Adding captive NTFS would be ideal I feel. There should be no licensing issues since captive-ntfs could only be used if the user already had an ntfs partition with a windows 2000 or xp install. The captive-ntfs driver is capable of searching (using libntfs) the drive before mounting it for the driver. All that is needed is to make sure the kernel has lufs support.

I propose that knoppix attempt to use captive-ntfs where possible and where the ntfs.sys driver exists on the user's machine, and default to mounting all ntfs partitions with this driver in full read-write mode. if captive-ntfs is not available due to the driver not being present (although it can download the driver from microsoft, knoppix should not do this), mounts should fall back to ntfs.

Furthermore, if captive-ntfs is availabe and the partitions can be mounted read/write, knoppix should allow the user settings to be saved onto it, just like is presently available when dealing with ext2 or fat32 partitions.


01-07-2004, 12:43 PM
On my part its a definitive yes to captive-NTFS!

almost all new PC's are shipped with NTFS these days! FAT32 is truely dead!

01-07-2004, 02:11 PM
It looks like this project caught Klaus' attention as well, see here (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7086#32173).

01-07-2004, 10:32 PM
It looks like this project caught Klaus' attention as well, see here (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7086#32173).

Yep looks like it's slated for 3.4. This is good news.

01-08-2004, 02:06 PM
Yeah - use WinNT/2000/XP until it screws up its fs, insert Knoppix CD to reescue the users data, install WinNT/2000/XP newly.
-> After how many iterations the user will probably say: "Hey, just leave the Knoppix CD in, I'll prefer to stick with that!" ??
:D :cool:

So long

01-09-2004, 03:07 PM
Sorry for the late reply, i'm new here and heven't seen this post. There is already a remaster with captive (and other cool stuff), find it at:


Features are:

* BitDefender SMTP-proxy AV scanner and anti-spam
* Webmin administration console for it.
* On-demand scanner (cmd line and GTK interface) - just right click a folder.
* ntfs write support (using captive)

Enjoy ;)

01-09-2004, 11:49 PM
This is very cool! What virus definitions do they use and is it possible to update them from the live cd? Good referal.

01-10-2004, 01:32 PM
It's using BitDefender ( http://linux.bitdefender.com ) scan engines and virus definitions. And yes, it can be udated from the Live CD using "bd register" command or from Webmin interface.

To use webmin interface, you need to do some tricks (due to special Knoppix configuration). You need to set a password to "knoppix" user and log into webmin with "knoppix" user and the password you set before.

The totally cool feature of this LinuxDefender is the ability to scan and disinfect NTFS partitions from Linux. Altough the instant SMTP proxy antivirus and antispam feature of LinuxDefender is the flag ship of this remastered Knoppix.

01-13-2004, 11:23 PM
I could be interesting to test captive ntfs knoppix


Anybody know about remaster version including it?


I can verify that captive-ntfs DOES work in Knoppix. I installed this from my chroot'ed source, did this command
/usr/share/lufs/prepmod The kernel source dir MUST be present. I used the tar ball version rather than deb's. You must also supply a copy of ntfs.sys and ntoskrnl.exe. The captive-ntfs install script will scan your HD's for it or you can just copy them manually to /var/lib/captive.

I then compacted and made the ISO. Booted to it and mounted a NTFS partition. FULL read AND write. Knoppix recognizes the partition at boot and makes a /mnt/hdXX dir for it but you must use the mount syntax from the command line like so:
mount -t captive-ntfs /dev/hdXX /mnt/hdXX rather than just the normal
mount /mnt/hdXX else it gets mounted by the kernel ntfs module.

Klaus will have to come up with a clever way to obtain these two files at boot, I don't think it's legal for him to send them with the distro.

I do note that performance is very slow. I am remastering under VMWare and found it way faster just to FTP the file from the Knoppix session to my host XP session. Performance may be better in "real" life.

01-15-2004, 03:54 AM
In the remaster do your HD desktop icons work or does it complain abount only root mounting NTFS partition as rw?
I have used the captive system once but it came at the expense of the one click partition mounting icons. Can permissions be set to allow users to write?

01-15-2004, 10:13 AM
The trick I used in LinuxDefender (ftp://ftp.bitdefender.com/pub/linux/free/LinuxDefender) to mount as user knoppix is this:

mv /sbin/mount.captive-ntfs /sbin/mount1.captive-ntfs

Then create the file /sbin/mount.captive-ntfs with the contents:


sudo /sbin/mount1.captive-ntfs $*

I also did this small modification in /sbin/mount.captive line 40:

$fsname=~s/^mount[.]captive-// or die "Cannot...

$fsname=~s/^mount1[.]captive-// or die "Cannot...

I know it's ugly, but it works, and I hope it helps.

Enjoy ;)

01-15-2004, 02:48 PM
In the remaster do your HD desktop icons work or does it complain abount only root mounting NTFS partition as rw?
I have used the captive system once but it came at the expense of the one click partition mounting icons. Can permissions be set to allow users to write?


I'm afraid I'm a minimalist troglodite that uses the command line for all my mounting. I've eliminated KDE and Gnome and rely on a pretty stripped Icewm. So alas, no desktop one click mount icons. ;-(

04-21-2004, 10:14 PM
I think that captive should have one-click mount icons for KDE at least. They could be easily created from s script file. IT would bring many people to use captive and other opensource ntfs tools instead of commercial software.

The majority of computer users don't mind how the computer works and which OS does it contain, as long as it has enough media, applications and is easy to use and reliable.

One-click mount buttons are common day in commercial ntfs tools such as David or Windows. In captive it would be one day's work to create such icons, and millions of new users.

04-21-2004, 10:38 PM
I just tired using it earlier on a 3.4 cebit remaster. I got the drivers and such from an XP SP1. I'm writing to windows 2000.

I amnually mount with the captive driver, and can write files as root. They appear when I ls -al the mountpoint and I can see they are the correct size.

When I boot back into windows though, the files are not there.