View Full Version : How can I access a Software Mirrored HD (ext2)

12-06-2003, 04:54 PM
I have a system normally running Mitel SME Server (an RH 7.2 derivative AFAIK) with an ext2 FS with software mirroring turned on.

I need to do some simple repair (a cp command), but the HD does not show up on the desktop, nor can I figure out any way of seeing it with mount or fdisk.

The only reference(s) I have found were to a post about booting with an IDE RAID controller (including a reference to plugscript), but that isn't my situation AFAICT.

I am a Linux newbie, so please be specific.


12-06-2003, 06:22 PM
Since you've posted in a knoppix forum I assume you are trying to access the drive with knoppix?? yes or no

the HD does not show up on the desktop, nor can I figure out any way of seeing it with mount or fdisk.
Is this from Knoppix or SME?

I would think that you should be able to see the partition from knoppix if it is just a software mirrored ext2 partition.

I have used SME a bit... system questions...

Do you have two hard drives, or multiple partitions on a single drive?

Do you get into SME if you boot it?

Have you done an fdisk -l /dev/hdx which lists all partitions on device x; where x = a b c or d, in knoppix or SME?


12-06-2003, 11:29 PM
Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I was trying to access it from Knoppix since I couldn't get into SME.

I have been told the problem was due to root and admin password being out of sync somehow, and did an upgrade to SME 5.5 (was SME 5.1.2). That got me past that problem. Now I can't get system to see more than one Ethernet adapter at a time - or at least configure an IP address for more than one. But that isn't a Knoppix issue...
