View Full Version : Slow Load and Running..........

12-07-2003, 04:18 AM
Hello All:
Got a question. I downloaded and made a v3.3 disk. Boot into it and it goes real slow, both loading and running. I tried two different d-loads and discs. Then I found a v3.2. It loads and runs much faster. I am a newbie to linux and have been enjoying playing and learning with it. Any suggestions? My system is homebuilt: 1.4g t-bird, asus a7v133 mobo, 768m ram, 160g h-d, nvidia ti4200. Thank you, Brad.

12-07-2003, 04:34 AM
use cheatcode: "knoppix dma"

12-07-2003, 08:23 AM
Hello Again:
I tried the cheatcode, no effect at all. So after some head scratching and beard stroking I tried the testcd cheatcode. Guess what, I had a bad ISO. I downloaded a third ISO from a different server and burned it again and now it works great. Thank you for your help, Brad. FYI: the bad ISOs came from two of the US http sites but I don't remember which ones.