View Full Version : Recommended sources.list

12-07-2003, 07:38 PM
I am confused by the '/etc/apt/sources.list' that comes with Knoppix. It seemed natural to use 'stable' for sure, 'testing' to be a bit adventurous, and 'unstable' for the things you couldn't find in the other two. When I look at the file, I see entries for Mozilla, Xfree, Java, and the Blades Repository. Those entries seem like they water down the stability aspects of Debian by giving you stuff that does not pass even the minimal stability requirements of being graded 'unstable'. Which of those should I use :?:


12-07-2003, 08:05 PM
The sources reflect the fact that Knoppix is a mixture of Debian Unstable and sundry other applications; they're exactly where you want to go to upgrade or add applications that will play along with what's already in Knoppix. You wouldn't want to mix in stuff from Testing or Stable because they're often much earlier versions and can actually cause instability (when you can get them to install at all).

Stable/Testing/Unstable best describe the suitability of different versions of Debian to, say, run a nuclear missile silo. Think of them as "Testing Completed/Testing Nearly Completed/Testing Underway." Unstable is a pretty safe bet for personal computing, even if the name is a little scary.

12-07-2003, 08:21 PM
I have deleted the other thread with the same question please do not double post. And while I'm at it you may want to add a line for experimental in the sources.list and comment out the lines for the XFree86 already in the file the .debs at those locations have been moved to the official debian archives.

The line required:

## Expermential needed for XFree86 4.3
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian ../project/experimental main contrib non-free