View Full Version : Newbie (sorry lol)

12-13-2003, 10:08 PM
I'm rather new to linux yatta yatta yatta...

I tried Knoppix, seemed pretty cool, smaller than RedHat and just as easy if not easier to use.

Anywho, here's my problem (I've gone and made things complicated I think).

1) I installed RedHat 8 earlier and installed GRUB with it, but RedHat didn't recognize my nForce2 onboard Video and so I wasn't happy. I tried Knoppix, it loaded well so I decided to do a harddrive install of it. However the partition GRUB was installed onto (I'm assuming there's only a 'link' to GRUBs location in the MBR and not the whole program) was reformatted. So now when I boot up I just see "GRUB" appear on the screen and nothing else. So I guess my question is, how do I fix this? how can I install GRUB and have it show both Windows and Knoppix?

2) This is more of a hardware based question, but instead of starting two threads I figured it'd be safe to just add on. As stated above I have an nForce2 chipset, and I've read/heard that it's not widely supported in Linux. Anyway I can't get my Network card to work. I've glanced at a few threads about it but most didn't seem to help, and I think most were refering to Rev 3.2, and I think I'm on 3.3. I'm not sure how big a difference there is, or what extra is included, but I thought it worth mentioning.

So in short, I would like to know how to install and configure GRUB, and how to get drivers that work for my NIC.

Thanks ^_^

12-13-2003, 11:21 PM
I used install-mbr to make a MBR on a floppy, it allowed me to get back into Windows XP. Is there a way to customize that and load GRUB into the MBR of my harddrive, instead of a floppy?

12-14-2003, 01:32 AM
well I compiled the RPM that I think I need for my NIC, but I can't install it unless I have Alien, or use Alien or something. I couldn't find it in the installation, any idea where I could find it?

12-14-2003, 01:57 AM
Well that didn't work either. Network card still doesn't work, or is unrecognized. :(

Anyway, thanks for all your help :P

I'm still screwed.

12-14-2003, 02:07 AM
Well that didn't work either. Network card still doesn't work, or is unrecognized. :(

Anyway, thanks for all your help :P

I'm still screwed.

Have you checked Overclockix (http://overclockix.octeams.com/) it has support for those boards in the distribution.

12-14-2003, 02:21 AM
I have heard of it, I was just hoping I didn't have to download a whole new 'distro'.

But I suppose it's worth a shot.

Thanks ^_^

12-14-2003, 06:02 AM
Well I've got Overclockix, and it's installed, and the internet works, and I have a bootloader (LILO, though it only lists Knoppix), but certain programs and options don't seem to load. It seems to be the same problem I had with RedHat once before, with Knoqbrowser, Karamba, Desktop settings etc...

Any clues?

12-14-2003, 07:29 PM
Installed an old 3Com NIC, Knoppix works fine now. Overclockix was just screwy.

Anywho still got a problem though.

I can't access my windows network. In konqbrowser it says I need to load lisa daemon, when I load it it says the port is already in use, so I figure it's running. But I load it and tell it to use a different port anyway and it still doesn't work. I try LinNeighborhood, I get some what further in that I can see the other machines, but I can't see their shares.

Could anyone shine some light on this for me?

2 of the Windows machines are XP pro, and one is Win2k.