View Full Version : Newbie wants to get online

12-14-2003, 07:54 AM
I've never touched Linux before, but I've of course heard tons about how its better than Windows, both by credible sources and by rabid zealots. Well, I found out about Knoppix not long ago, and figured I should try it, seeing as how it's small and portable and won't mess up my computer. I downloaded, burned, and booted Knoppix, and everything went fine. However, I have no idea how to get online with it.

I have a D-Link DWL-520+ wireless PCI adapter installed in this computer and a D-Link router downstairs (can't remember model number, sorry). Is there a simple guide to getting online under these circumstances, or can somebody help me with this?

12-14-2003, 01:11 PM
Yes I would like to Know to. I got Knoppix CD to boot up.
Now I suppose I will need to go through a lot of info in the manuals to understand. I'm just not that patient. Oh! well.

12-14-2003, 06:29 PM
I'm a nieuwbe too:
try netcardconfig in a terminalwindow and choose yes on DHCP question.

Maybe this wil help...

12-14-2003, 08:37 PM
For me, Knoppix auto-detected everything and set up the internet connection, so I didn't have to do anything. I guess it just depends on your Ethernet adapter.

12-15-2003, 03:49 AM
I'm a nieuwbe too:
try netcardconfig in a terminalwindow and choose yes on DHCP question.

Maybe this wil help...

Choosing yes just gives a fail message. Will it work if I manually configure it properly, or is there other stuff I need, such as Linux drivers?

12-26-2003, 05:01 AM
For me, Knoppix auto-detected everything and set up the internet connection, so I didn't have to do anything. I guess it just depends on your Ethernet adapter.

This is what I was hoping for to, but since then I have read a few times people saying that Linux won't recognise a win modem, I think the most common internal type modem. Most suggest using an external modem.

I have an ESS Fax-Modem, I suspect is a win modem.

12-26-2003, 03:44 PM

I too have a WinModem, a LTWinModem - problem is, in Windows, my modem showed up as a "56k Internet/Fax Modem" - that doesn't tell much in the hardware world, or Linux.

What I did:
In Windows -=- Since this was the only place to talk to the modem -=- Went into Modem, from the Control Panel -=- I have Win98, so change this to your OS needs.

In the modem screen, looked for Diagnostics.
Had Windows send the diagnostics to the modem...

What it did was send all "known" ATI commands to my modem, and reported back all that was replied to.

ATI3 was the big one...
It told me EXACTLY what the modem was...
"WinModem LT V.90 Data+Fax Modem V5.34"

Some modems may report back on another ATI number as well...

Post back here with as much "specific" information as you can, for me, the "LT" was a big one - it stands for Lucent, which IS A BIGGY in the Linux world, and with lots of support drivers - I had the modem driver d/l'ed and installed, and am CURRENTLY using my WinModem at this time to connect with, no problems.

Everyone here is very supportive, and extremely helpful, when you can help them out - if they know what you need, and what you have, it helps a lot.

Good Luck on your Online Quest,

12-26-2003, 05:09 PM
I am using W98SE, I went to control Panel Modem, I could not find diagnostics. But I was able to get this info about the modem.
ESS E56STH - P1 Data Fax Voice Modem.
connected to COM4 it is a PCI plug-in.
Modulation type :- Non Standard(Bell,HST)
Extra Settings :- s10=50w2
(A friend told me about this, it works so I don't change it)

I don't really understand the reasons or meaning of this.

Thanks for your reply.

12-26-2003, 05:36 PM
OMG, just two days of running Debian/Knoppix, and not touching Windoze, and I'm already forgetting things - shesh...

I think in the Modem screen, you can select your modem? Get some information from it, and in THAT screen it has something like TEST MODEM, or DIAGNOSTICS ????

Wow, my memory is fading on Win98 (for good or bad?)

I haven't a clue how to resolve your modem, I was hoping that if you supply more information "specifically" about your modem, the EXCELLENT helpers, guru's, and other highly knowledgable people here, will take it from their. Now, if you had a LTWinModem, I could, yeah right, help you, I was helped by one those "guru's" I speak of, to get my modem working - I was completely clueless. This person (TearingHairOut), had to seriously, take me by the hand, and walk me through everything to where I am now. Maybe, someone else, or THO, can assist further. :?:

Hope I helped a little,

12-26-2003, 06:04 PM
OK Cuddles I see exactly what you mean now, I clicked the Diagnostics Tab and got nothing, I tried More Info and got only a message saying Port already open. No ATI commands.

I tried it again after disconnecting and this time it worked exactly as you said, I selected the diag Tab and then More Info and away she went.

I got the following

ATI1 ES2838
ATI2 RxF2-V90A
ATI3 V4.43.026-TH-PI
ATI4 P&A Technology
AT=TCLA... 0,1,2,8

Thanks I now know how to do the diagnostics

Now I need to figure out how I can use this to set up the modem in Knoppix.

12-26-2003, 06:22 PM
You are on your way...

The next pahse is figuring out if: 1) your modem is supported, and if so, is it simply a download of a driver for Linux/Knoppix. Or, this is possible too, some hardware is not supported within the Linux World - this can be one of two things - the manufacturer does not have the drivers, and will not provide the code needed to create one specific to Linux, or, someone hasn't created one yet. In either case...

ATI1 ES2838
ATI2 RxF2-V90A
ATI3 V4.43.026-TH-PI <--- not sure, but I think this is you model [?]
ATI4 P&A Technology <--- I think this is your modem manufacturer...
AT=TCLA... 0,1,2,8

Hopefully, someone in Knoppix.Net has tried this modem before, or can take this any further, I'm not sure where to go from here now....

[Lost in the Linux World]

12-26-2003, 10:03 PM
Sorry Ikara

I think you might be out of luck with the modem.

A quick google unearthed this.

Two words: forget it.

After some research on the web, it seems as if the ES2838 Winmodem was never and will never be supported with Linux. There are rumors on a binary-only module for Linux being available somewhere, but as no one claims ownership nor is the source available, I even didn’t dreamed of installing it. Some other people were less caref^H^H^H^H^Hparanoid and did, and it didn’t work for them.

I’ll go get a decent PCMCIA modem, and save my time.