View Full Version : won't boot from cd

12-17-2003, 02:36 AM
ide cd rom is set to boot b4 hard disk....all files are present on knoppix burned cd, but wont boot from cd on start up? ...any ideas?....

12-17-2003, 03:05 AM
i got it...i am on konqueror as we speak...this rules...i feel so freakin l33+...jk i am pretty psyched though...thank u for all of the help in my other posts you guys gave me

12-17-2003, 03:49 AM
Perhaps you could post your solution so that the rest of us may also benefit from your experience. :) Oh and for us old guys, what does ".i feel so freakin l33+" mean?

12-21-2003, 01:22 AM

I appologize for not sharing, I was hoping I could "sweep this one under the carpet", but I guess it's not the dumbest thing I've ever done (sadly enough)....I had the cd in the wrong drive!...there i said it....i needed it in the dvd/cdrom drive, and i had it in the cd-r/rw drive, nice huh? and as for l33+ I have to answer with a little hesitation as i am not sure if you are just messin with me or not....but in case you aren't, it is short for leet, which is short for elite, which is what early hackers referred to themselves/others who were the cream of the crop hackers.