12-19-2003, 03:09 AM
Hello again and thanks for helping me out...

Now, that i succeeded with the help of forum member Bernd Blaauw to combine WindowsPE and Knoppix on one single media, i feel to include installation possibilities for WindowsXP and Win98SE because my image as a matter of fact doesn't fit on a CD-ROM anymore...

Although, there is enough space on a DVD :wink:

Any ideas ??

@ Bernd Blaauw ... I saw in your isolinux.cfg

# *Windows NT 4 installation (via boot sector)
label nt4
kernel /ntwk/nt4wsect.bin

Does that mean, you just put the files in this subdirectory??? Does it work like that ?? Does it work with a Windows XP the same way

AND? How to include a Win98SE installation?! Extracting bootloader things from a Win98SE CD-ROM???

Greetz Andi

Bernd Blaauw
12-20-2003, 06:11 PM
Andi, may I recommend www.nu2.nu (still down?) and http://www.911cd.net/forums/ for creating multi-OS systems?

adding Win98 is really easy:
label win98
kernel memdisk
append initrd=win98.img

where win98 is an image of a win98 bootdisk

memdisk is a custom kernel for Isolinux which will load a disk image into RAM and then execute it from there. it's included in the Syslinux package from syslinux.zytor.com

12-23-2003, 02:05 PM
Hello Bernd...

Yes, the two sites are very informative and useful... I know them already...

And of course, it is no problem to include Win98 Setup... (simply put the setup files in a directory called win98 and point to a startimage or start kinda dos system and then setup.exe)

But how about including win2000 or xp setup, when there is already included a running winpe...

Is there a way to store xp systems not to root??? I mean like

|-- /winpe/
|-- /winxp/
|-- /win98/
|-- /dos/
|-- /isolinux/
|-- /autorun.bat
|-- /autorun.inf
|-- ...

Greetz Andi