View Full Version : Turn Off Yet APM/APCI ?

12-22-2003, 12:58 PM

I noticed there have been several new versions of Knoppix out.

I am studying to recompile my kernel......looks like a lot of work.

I was wondering if one of the new versions of Knoppix has apm/apci.....whatever is used to turn very new machines off along with the OS?



12-22-2003, 05:17 PM
I am not sure about this BeforeWisdom, but I can tell you, I think the Knoppix v3.2 I have has something...

When I select the Logout Knoppix from the K Menu, I get my original boot screen, still intact, with all the shutdown messages, Sending Term Signal and Sending Halt Signal, and when I press [return] after the CD pops out, my Hard Drives all spin down.

I don't know how Knoppix is doing it, because I have APM disabled in my BIOS. Having Win98, I didn't want Windows to play with power management, this included the Video monitor power down and the Hard Drive spin downs. Windows refused to keep from doing this, even when I disabled PM within Win98 settings, so the conclusion was to disable PM before Windows ever got to it. That way Windows doesn't see that it is even an option. I never got around to enabling it for Knoppix.

Does that help? Or am I just spewing out gibberish (as usual?)

12-22-2003, 07:35 PM
It has apm. You can patch for acpi. Unless you have a laptop I think you're better off with apm from what I can gather. Knoppix will shut my computer down or reboot it out of the box. I can also put my computer in standby by using the apmsleep command.

12-22-2003, 10:19 PM
I've been lucky and most machines work just fine with apm, but some of the older ones don't. There will soon (hopefully) be a Knoppix variant named Kanotix that has an acpi enabled kernel. If you've installed to hdd there is already an acpi kernel that is very easily installed. Have a look here (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6778#30644).

12-26-2003, 11:15 AM
There will soon (hopefully) be a Knoppix variant named Kanotix that has an acpi enabled kernel.

Did that over a month ago already. :-D

Kano's version seems to be online now, I'm downloading it from http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/kanotix/ at the moment...