View Full Version : HACK

12-24-2003, 03:05 AM
does any one hack or know how to or know some what on hacking

12-24-2003, 03:40 AM
I have noticed people have different definitions of what the work "hack" means.

Perhaps you could explain a little better so I can give you a clear answer.

For instance, "I want to know how exploit a security hole in Microsoft Windows Server 2000"
"How do boot off this cd and copy files from one drive across my network"

12-24-2003, 07:16 AM
does any one hack or know how to or know some what on hacking

This is a couple of times that you have brought this up. This forum is for discussing Knoppix and Linux related topics not for hacking any computers If you want information of that sort there are plenty of other places to start on the internet I suggest your favorite search engine as a starting place if I see anymore threads of this sort from you I will delete them.

If I have misunderstood the question perhaps this page (http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html) will help you ask a better one.

12-24-2003, 07:50 AM
Sick Cuban,
I bet what you really want to know is how to CRACK, Hacking is not what the movies depict it as. That's cracking. A lot of people who want to know how to hack learn linux, it is a platform with wich to easily write and execute the program you are creating, Crackers generally only want to know programming so they can defeat security gaps in software. You must choose which is your motive. You should be able to see by now what people at this forum think of Crackers. Hackers are getting tired of newbies getting it wrong. If on the other hand you really want to learn programing there are numerous internet tutorials out there. Just pick a programing language and do a google search for the tuts.