View Full Version : Login

12-25-2003, 01:50 AM
I can't get by login.
I just installed using the knoppix CD. When I login and give password I get
Knoppix@[my password] followed by~$.
Anything I type in gets
-bash: whatever thecommand:command not found.

For example:

login: [I type "knoppix" + hit enter]
password: [I type the password I set + hit enter]

I get a line that says Welcome to Knoppix.
If I type the wrong password it tells me it's wrong.
So I know I"m typing the right password,

I must be close :)

Thanks in advace for the help,

12-25-2003, 02:02 AM
You must be in a console.
After logging in, try typing 'startx'.

12-25-2003, 03:05 AM
You must be in a console.
After logging in, try typing 'startx'.

That was it,thanks!
It went through KDE wizzard and was up and running in no time.

Linux is all new to me.
Will I boot up into the console like that everytime

Thanks a lot!

12-25-2003, 03:09 AM
You must be in a console.
After logging in, try typing 'startx'.

That was it,thanks!
It went through KDE wizzard and was up and running in no time.

Linux is all new to me.
Will I boot up into the console like that everytime

Thanks a lot!

It shouldn't...unless maybe, you said no when it asked if you wanted it to start KDM at startup during the install process.

12-25-2003, 03:45 AM
Well I must have click "no" when it asked because I restarted the computer and had to type "startx" after the login again.

Not a big deal. I'm just glad to get knoppix installed on the hard drive and see the knoppix desktop on my monitor again :) :)

It config. everything just like it did running it from the cd. It found my NIC and got me connected to the internet without any problems.

Thanks a million for your help.

12-25-2003, 05:03 AM
Well I must have click "no" when it asked because I restarted the computer and had to type "startx" after the login again.
That can easily be fixed by adding kdm to init.

Run ksysv as root. There should be a list a programs on the left hand side.
Drag the one that says 'kdm' over to 'init {2,3,4,and 5} and drop it just above 'rmnologin'.

Now drag 'kdm' to the box that says 'stop' on the lower left hand side, and right hand side, above 'cron'.

If done right, kdm should now be the second to last in init {2,3,4,and 5}, and the first in stop.

All you have to do now is reboot.