View Full Version : Promise S150 Tx+ driver installed, and now?

12-25-2003, 04:13 PM

after some difficulties the driver ft3xx.o is compiled and is loaded as module.

Module Size Used by Tainted: P
ft3xx 217056 0 (unused)

I found in the /lib/modules/modprob.conf

alias block-major-97 pg
alias block-major-97 ft3xx

Question: Who defines the major number 97 for the module ft3xx?
Question: Is there a problem, if two modules have the same number 97?

Next I have created 3 block-devices:

mknod /dev/scsi/sata0 97 0
mknod /dev/scsi/sata1 97 1
mknod /dev/scsi/sata2 97 2

But the mounts

mount /dev/scsi/sataX /mnt
for X in [0..2] issues the message:
mount: /dev/scsi/sata1 ist kein gültiges blockorientiertes Gerät
(... is not a valid block device)

What must I do to "talk" with my SATA-harddisk (The disk has partitions, created under windows).
Greetings from Munich