View Full Version : home resize disaster

12-28-2003, 10:43 AM
I tried to copy some debs into my 30mb home dir which is on /dev/hda7, a vfat partition. There was no space so I went to make a new home directory of 100 mb on the same partition. Now all my directories are empty and the files come up blank, but the list of contents is still all there.

I had backed this up, but as usual that was some time ago. At least having the list is not the complete disaster of being unsure what you have lost.

I am thinking that everything is really still there, any suggestion as to how to rescue this situation?



12-28-2003, 03:30 PM
When creating a home partition, you really should make it something easy to resize since you can need more room at any certain moment. I reccomend reiserfs, but if you are limited to vfat, make your partition bigger from the get go. In the long run lvm is a much better solution used with reiserfs, since you can then resize live.


12-30-2003, 01:15 AM
Thanks for the reply, but its not a partition, its from the Knoppix menu which saves your home dir by making a .img file on the partition or floppy or zip drive of your choice.

Konqueror sees the 100mb .img file as "plain text".
