View Full Version : Using Knoppix to backup data over a network.

12-30-2003, 08:38 AM
Ok, heres the deal. I work at a major electronics store in the repairs department and I have been using Knoppix to backup data on laptops since we don't have one of those fancy Laptop HD to IDE converters. Anyway, I boot "Knoppix 2", mount hda1 and a smb drive then transfer the files over.

The problem I'm having is that on some systems that have under 128 MB of RAM, I get an ERRDOS - ERRnomem (Insufficient server memory to perform the requested function.) error. Is there anyway to get around this? can I use my 512 MB flash drive as RAM???? HELP!!!!

12-30-2003, 09:01 AM
Most of my co-works don't know how to use linux so I made a batch file that will automatically run the commands I mentioned earlyier with SSH. So I also have the SSH server running. Don't know if that would make a big difference.

A. Jorge Garcia
12-30-2003, 06:08 PM
Why would you need so much RAM with KNOPPIX 2? That doesn't make sense. You should be able to do what you want to do. How about some more info on the troublesome hardware?


12-30-2003, 08:36 PM
I have has this problem on multiple computers that have been brough in. I'm a newbie to linux and that may be half of the problem right there. Doesn't Knoppix use RAM like it would normally use HD space when running off the boot disk??? I'm going to try using the flash drive and use the knoppix to HD command.

By the way, what actually happens when you mount a drive? Is that a memory intencive process?

12-30-2003, 10:55 PM
I think what they are suggesting is entering a cheatcode when you boot the CD to run in text mode only-

knoppix 2

^ type that and hit enter at the inital prompt

mount -o ro /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 = this is how you would mount the C: partition read-only

/etc/init.d/samba start = this is how you would start the samba server

Then you'd map netowrk drives or use netowrk neighborhood on windows to find the knoppix box and access it's share.

Personally, I use smbmount to mount the remote windows drive for the knoppix box to use.

Create a user called knoppix and password on the windows computer
passwd knoppix (set a password for knoppix same as on the windows computer)
mkdir /mnt/win
smbmount //remote_hostname/remote_sharename /mnt/win -u knoppix
You'll be prompted to enter knoppix's password
cd /mnt/win
ls (verify you are no in the shared directory on the windows computer)
cp /path/to/files/to/copy .