View Full Version : Running a differant OS is so easy

12-30-2003, 11:07 PM
I have used nothing but win. OS for years.
win 3.1, 95, 98, xp pro....

I had no idea how easy it was to switch to something else.
I have been running knoppix for a few day's and have been very happy with it.
I was so happy with it I deleted win98 from my hard drive and did a Knoppix HD install.

In searching around for information on Linux today I found Morphix.
I just downloaded the .iso and put it on a cd.
It only took a few minutes, cable connection :)
Guess what, it works on my computer too.

What is M$ going to do about this?
Just think, anyone with a internet connection and a cd burner can try a number of differant OS for free.

It's just so easy to switch to a Linux OS.
I did not have to leave my computer room, drive to the store and spend $100+ on a new OS just to give it a try.
All I had to do was download it for free.

It is too easy..

What is M$ going to do............

12-31-2003, 12:15 AM
What is M$ going to do about this?
Just think, anyone with a internet connection and a cd burner can try a number of differant OS for free.

It's just so easy to switch to a Linux OS.
I did not have to leave my computer room, drive to the store and spend $100+ on a new OS just to give it a try.
All I had to do was download it for free.

It is too easy..

What is M$ going to do............

MS will do the same they always do spread the FUD (fear,uncertainty and doubt) and announce their "vapour ware" of the newest, greatest and most secure OS that the world has ever known and take years to deliver it. That when it arrives will be overpriced geared toward locking you into a proprietatary file formats, undermine existing standards with "windows enhancements" that some break everything else and with more than enough security holes in it that have been around since Christ was a cowboy, just their normal practice of business as usual.

And while I'm thinking about it with that freed up cash you may want to consider a donation to the Free Software Foundation (http://www.fsf.org) to help support the people who started it all.

May the source be with you!

12-31-2003, 12:32 AM
What is M$ going to do............

I think they'll either have to embrace Linux in one way or another or they might try to kill it entirely with their money. A company that can pay millions of dollars in fines and court settlements every other week and not even flinch should have little trouble finding plenty of lawyers to babble in legalese long enough to put the screws to open source. SCO had even made it clear that much of the reason they want code to be non-open source is because people could be making millions of dollars a year with it. Unfortunately it's all about money. Why it would be a shame to let a big money-making opportunity go to waste! Being the good capitalist pigs that we are it would be a crime not to cash in right?- Yeah and there goes everything great about OSS. Let's hope it doesn't happen that way.

12-31-2003, 11:36 AM
I'm sure we will see some very nasty tricks from M$ once their profit start to drop signiificantly. As long as we have big guys like IBM on our side things might be calm but expect all hell to break loose if they change their minds and team up with M$ again.

12-31-2003, 07:32 PM
Interesting article I would like to point out (http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13350)

12-31-2003, 10:03 PM
Interesting article I would like to point out (http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13350)

I take it you mean the "IT industry shifting away from Microsoft" that site seems to have a nasty re-direction that stops you from going to the actual article. Good article but I have already know that for years it is just finally starting to happen.

01-05-2004, 03:37 PM
I am sure, MS would love to embrace Linux, but the GPL and some image issues stand in their way. Maybe we see them test the GPL at court using a zombie like SCO.
Meanwhile, they spreading FUD at it's best... :roll:

So long

01-05-2004, 09:44 PM
I guess the latest trick that we'll see from microsoft is that they'll try to get in bed with more and more hardware manufacturers to fix things so that the hardware only works with a microsoft os. We'll need some lawyers on our side to fix that one. Incidently, I'm old enough that I remember the days when IBM was king and microsoft was a tiny but growing organization. All of the software engineers back then were rooting for microsoft. They were saying the same things about IBM then that we're saying about microsoft now. Makes me think that we're all hung up in a long (20 yrs) loop. Wonder who's gonna be next?

01-05-2004, 10:20 PM
All of the software engineers back then were rooting for microsoft.
Not all of them, RMS was busy doing something better exactly 20 years ago.
Happy birthday GNU ! :-)

01-06-2004, 12:52 AM
Turbine stated:
They were saying the same things about IBM then that we're saying about microsoft now. Makes me think that we're all hung up in a long (20 yrs) loop. Wonder who's gonna be next?

Whos next? Hmmmm, I'd like to see APPLE get back into the game again [LOL]

This time Apple can "see" something that M$ is working on, and then "steal" it away, get sued by M$, and Apple can win the law suit for M$ not being able to patent a "look and feel" thingy. [giggle]

M$ can get squished, it has weaknesses. Its ability to create software that inherently has bugs in it. IMHO - Open Source is the wave of the future. It goes back to the ol' days of a barter system... One farm did dairy, another crops, blacksmiths, woodworkers, etc... Not all could do everything, so they "shared resources". Just the right idea for the 21st century :!:

Heck, you won't make a killing, or become a overnight millionaire, but, the world benefits from your work -=- I can't think of anything better to have etched on my tumbstone... "Here lies Cuddles -=- Died monetarily poor, but had more riches than most rich."
