View Full Version : MEPHIS Linux - Does the Knoppix thing but with power manage

12-31-2003, 05:40 PM
I just read about a new distro called MEPHIS Linux in comp.os.linux.advocacy

It does the knoppix thing, but with more features. Among these features acpi/apm comes built in and ready to use ( I have not tried it ).

This mean lap top users and people with new motherboards will be able to turn off their machines when they turn off linux.

Here is a description from edmunds-enterpries:


MEPIS LLC released MEPIS Linux for Pentium and Athlon class processors . MEPIS Linux is a desktop Linux that is designed for both personal and business purposes.

MEPIS Linux offers a live/installation/recovery CD, advanced automatic hardware configuration, XP/NTFS support, ACPI power management, WiFi support, personal firewall, KDE 3.1.4, OpenOffice 1.1, Mozilla 1.5, and much more.

Add To Cart
Price: $1.98 US$
Shipping and Handling: $3.00 US$

Here is a link tot he project site:


01-01-2004, 01:48 AM
You should check out Kanotix too. It also does ACPI and has a better selection of apps in my opinion. Also, it's Kano's customization of Knoppix, so it has all the stuff his scripts would do for you already done. I've got MEPIS installed on my laptop right now, but I'll likely be switching over to Kanotix. :)