View Full Version : MiniKnoppix 2.0 - Almost Perfect, But...

01-02-2004, 06:16 AM
I am looking to use a Mini 200MB disk livecd for use when I am away from home and general purpose internet apps like email and net browsing. I have spent most of the day downloading various "mini" versions of Knoppix and am quite pleased with MiniKnoppix 2.0 with the exception that it does not include KMail.

I have tried Slax, which the author says kmail is included on the CD but can't be found; a promising option would have been the Linux Magazine distro but there is nothing but a FAQ available on their site and no download to be found anywhere on the net; Damn Small, Flonix, Morphix Combined Lite GUI, MiniCD and a few others. So far, other than a few of the distros having issues booting correctly none include the combination of KDE, KMail, and Konqueror.

Are there ANY distros that include this combination of software under 200MBs?

I am not a programmer, am a linux newbie, and do not yet grasp the concept of making customizations and remastering.

Any advice would be appreciated.

01-02-2004, 08:18 AM
I am looking to use a Mini 200MB disk livecd for use when I am away from home and general purpose internet apps like email and net browsing. I have spent most of the day downloading various "mini" versions of Knoppix and am quite pleased with MiniKnoppix 2.0 with the exception that it does not include KMail.

I have tried Slax, which the author says kmail is included on the CD but can't be found;

Are there ANY distros that include this combination of software under 200MBs?

Try the previous version of Slax, it has kmail etc :-


01-02-2004, 08:26 AM
Thanx! I'll check it out.

01-02-2004, 10:08 PM
try " damn small linux" its 50 meg and runs fast from : damnsmalllinux.org

01-02-2004, 10:48 PM
Kurumin is around 200mb and has KDE so it would probably have kmail. Language cheatcodes entered at boot-time might let you run it in English. Or maybe someone has made an English-only version of it...

01-03-2004, 12:15 AM
I did try Damn Small but it does not have both a KDE and KMail interface (either that or it had incompatibilities with my system--can't remember which now). Unfortunately Kurumin is Brazilian and the interface is entirely in Portugese, although from what I could tell, Kurumin had these features.

I checked out the older version of Slax and it works perfectly, with the addition of a multiprotocol instant messenger client. Thanks to all for the advice.

01-03-2004, 12:20 AM
To the list;
There was a article in linux journal about this topic. It was called the Ultimate but small linux box.
I think it was the Sept. 2002 issue.

let me know

thanks again



01-03-2004, 12:22 AM
To the list;
There was a article in linux journal about this topic. It was called the Ultimate but small linux box.
I think it was the Sept. 2002 issue.

let me know

thanks again



01-03-2004, 03:26 AM
Not sure what you mean...was there a title to your reply that provided necessary info?

01-03-2004, 07:54 AM
"Language cheatcodes entered at boot-time might let you run it in English."

Eerk! I missed this part. I'll check it out.

Update: Didn't work.

01-19-2004, 12:40 AM
Being a newbie on Linux also, I have been tring the same, looking for a small 210mb CD size system based on knoppix that is stripped to have networking support for the internet, mailer is not important since I use web based email, maybe some apps, mplayer, Open Office, docs on linux. but for the browser it needs to support java and flash. This all on a 210mb CD. Most I have downloaded and burned on CDRW are for rescue type CDs.

If anyone would make a CD like this they would have alot of people interested in it.

Shoot, I would even host the site for them, or at least mirror the ISO files!

:) AdmiralCrom

06-12-2004, 01:44 AM
This is exactly what I am doing except I am not using kde I am using XPde


Have Fun :)