View Full Version : Using OpenOffice provided with knoppix

01-04-2004, 01:22 AM
When I try to write a word that contains an Accent (à,è,ì,ò,ù) OpenOffice doesn't accept the Accent.
No other program present this problem. Kword, Kmail or Konsole accept the accentuated Vowels perfectly.

How can I solve this?

Thanks in Advance

01-04-2004, 02:52 AM
You're right. Actually I have no problems for the accented keys, but I cannot use compose keys in OO. I see this problem in Knoppix 3.3 and Kanotix preview. Mepis has no problems whatsoever. I noticed its OO splash screen is slightly different and has a debian logo. If you have installed to HD, it might be worth apt-getting the latest debian package for OO. This is weird; I have no idea how they access the keyboard.

01-04-2004, 05:59 AM
Yeah, I updated my Open Office on Knoppix after seeing the version in Mepis. I can't really remember anything special about installing it other than that you have to make sure you remove the current install beforehand. I seem to recall it being rather picky about that. Here (http://openoffice.debian.net/install.html) are the instructions on installing it provided by the people running the openoffice debian project. It's not just the splash screen that's different...the look seems more refined as well to me. I like it better anyways. :D[/url]