View Full Version : HOW TO SAVE YOUR CONFIGURATION! attn pls 8-)

02-08-2003, 07:35 PM
I am trying like hell to save my prefs too.
Okay it is nice to know that the config dialogue is WRONG and that
it should be floppyconfig and not just floppyconf. Y'know, you'd think that the main faq's that come with the disk would mention this, instead of having to sleuth it out. It is kinda IMPORTANT guys.
When I look at the file created on the bootdisk, it mentions in the few lines that I see that I don't have root permissions. When booting it does say it is executing the file properly. But apparently the file itself 'knoppix.sh', doesn't agree that I should be able to modify the configuration so it is futile.
I am a complete newbie (obviously).
Can anyone please help. My mind has been blown by this OS. I'm telling everyone about it. Just need some good straight advice. Is there any FANTASTIC site for linux/knoppix info that is accessible to laymen such as myself?
Muchos gracias all

02-09-2003, 01:31 AM
save your configurations to a floppy disk

02-09-2003, 01:55 AM
when I did that, and then used the knoppix boot command to boot from the floppy, it was the same as the no-floppy boot.... the desktop was different, and the settings on every thing (screen savers ) were back to the original...

one question can you save xserver settings to floppy and have them be loaded at boot? assuming i can figure out the floppy boot...

02-09-2003, 02:39 AM
I thought it was obvious that I have made the boot disk numerous times and each time it goes back to defaults from cd even though I can see it accessing the a drive bootdisk file during bootup.
I have checked off all 5 options, not just the 'save desktop' that is default ticked.

02-09-2003, 05:37 PM
I thought it was obvious that I have made the boot disk numerous times and each time it goes back to defaults from cd even though I can see it accessing the a drive bootdisk file during bootup.
I have checked off all 5 options, not just the 'save desktop' that is default ticked.

Are you booting from the CD Rom?
save the your configurations to a floppy.
when you next boot from the CD Rom, it will detect your configurations from the floppy.
if you want to boot from the floppy, save the configurations to the floppy as well.
You would need 2 floppies the first time to create a boot floppy and to save your configurations to another

02-09-2003, 07:47 PM
Okay, well that was news to me...
No I thought I was booting from floppy. But you say I need to have the whole thing boot from boot floppy 1st and then insert config floppy.
Well I tried that. Had to be quick to change floppys between the time it took for floppy1(boot) to finish what it was doing, then quickly insert floppy2 before the boot sequence said it was reading knoppix.sh.
Problem is, it didn't boot into my previously saved settings(as usual).
It was same old cd default.
Here is what it says in knoppix.sh if i open it using kEdit:
[ "`id -u`" = "0" ] || { echo "You need root privileges to modify the system!" >&2 ; exit 1; }
[ -d "$1" ] && CONFIGS="$1/configs.tbz"
[ -f "$CONFIGS" ] || CONFIGS="/cdrom/KNOPPIX/configs.tbz"
[ -f "$CONFIGS" ] || CONFIGS="/mnt/floppy/configs.tbz"
if [ -f "$CONFIGS" ]; then
echo " [1mExtracting config archive $CONFIGS... [0m"
tar -jpPtf "$CONFIGS" | while read i; do rm -f "$i"; done
tar -jpPxf "$CONFIGS" ;
so it says I need root privileges if I am to get anywhere.
How do I 'sign on' as root to get the configuration save to be more than a moot excercise?
Puh-lease help me in an explanatory manner.
A curt reply to this newbie will be a waste of both of our times.
Thx in advance

02-09-2003, 09:28 PM
copy the contents of your configuration diskette to the bootup diskette

02-10-2003, 12:30 AM
Thanks for the help everyone.
In the end, one nice email from Bram explained what I was doing wrong. The 5 radio buttons need to be darkened, not lightened, to be depressed and selected. D'oh. I thought I had tried this earlier but nope. This did it. Would be nice if the dialogue explained this more clearly.
Floppy succesfully saved mozilla mail prefs, desktop background, swap file configuration on mounted drive, and even email messages. Nice! Also managed to save a txt file on desktop, but not the html file for some reason.
Contrary to what someone said earlier in thread, I do not need to use two boot floppies, just the one saved config floppy, and 'knoppix floppyconfig' at boot.

02-24-2003, 07:32 PM
ok, just got knoppix running off cd, how do i go about saving the settings to a floppy? javascript:emoticon(%27%3A?')

I need it to save my internet connection settings (now that I have it working) because it is storing them in the ramdisk, I would rather have it on floppy instead...

btw KNoppix is awsome... javascript:emoticon(%278)%27)

also how do i get the winamp-like player to save its playlists to a floppy? I made the mistake of overwritting the floppy icon on the desktop with the playlist.... lol.

David Douthitt
02-25-2003, 02:19 AM
ok, just got knoppix running off cd, how do i go about saving the settings to a floppy?

I need it to save my internet connection settings (now that I have it working) because it is storing them in the ramdisk, I would rather have it on floppy instead...

also how do i get the winamp-like player to save its playlists to a floppy? I made the mistake of overwritting the floppy icon on the desktop with the playlist.... lol.

The simple answer is to archive ~knoppix/.kde and ~knoppix/.xmms somewhere - and unarchive them before you run X.

To do this the "hard way" - after booting Knoppix, do:

init 2

...then unarchive your ~knoppix/.kde and ~knoppix/.xmms (and whatever others might be useful) - then do:

init 5

...this reloads X.

The "easy way" - easy booting that is - is to write a script and put it onto a floppy (as "knoppix.sh") to do the unarchiving before X is even loaded.

That's what I do - except all of my data is stored on a USB drive. When I get done with the scripts, the archives could just as easily be on a hard drive somewhere...

02-25-2003, 11:40 PM
I would try to write my own script except I know nothing about linux stuff like that ( I took a class in my web development course on apache and Linux but that was 3 years ago.... I havent had the opertunity to use linux till now.


David Douthitt
02-25-2003, 11:47 PM
I would try to write my own script except I know nothing about linux stuff like that ( I took a class in my web development course on apache and Linux but that was 3 years ago.... I havent had the opertunity to use linux till now.

I'm working on a script right now. Currently, my script is generic only on the install; saving the configuration requires some manual configuration. I'll work on that.

Saving the configuration can be broken down into two parts: system configuration (running squid, thttpd configuration, modified autoconf maps... etc...) and second, user preferences and configurations. User preferences are pretty easy; system configuration modifications requires manual updating. I'll work on it...

02-26-2003, 08:25 AM
I just finished dloading the first ISO for mandrake linux 9.0, and was hoping to install it onto a 3.2gb drive that is setup as the secondary drive on the ide cable for the hard drive (my 20 gig with win xp home is the primary drive or Master).

Can this be done or will I have to repartition my 20 gig at the risk of losing stuff?

02-26-2003, 06:54 PM
The simple answer is to archive ~knoppix/.kde and ~knoppix/.xmms somewhere - and unarchive them before you run X.

To do this the "hard way" - after booting Knoppix, do:

init 2

...then unarchive your ~knoppix/.kde and ~knoppix/.xmms (and whatever others might be useful) - then do:
This is one of the things I have been trying to do.

I have DL'd a skin to try, put it in /home/knoppix/tmp

Now where do I need to move it (specifically) so XMMS will use it?


David Douthitt
02-26-2003, 07:33 PM
I have DL'd a skin to try, put it in /home/knoppix/tmp

Now where do I need to move it (specifically) so XMMS will use it?


No need to unarchive it; all that is handled for you.