View Full Version : video doesn't work!!!

01-05-2004, 01:31 AM
Hi, i just got knoppix 3.3 yesterday, it is my first experience with linux,its cool, the problem is that i can play all the games except, chromium, the sound works fine due to other forum posts, thanks, but the mouse the screen slows down too much to play. I have a vanta xfree86 nv6 card this should be able to support this game,but it doesn't, any help would be appreciated thanks, jojo

01-05-2004, 01:44 AM
You need the accelerated nvidia drivers. If you have installed knoppix to your hard disk, you can automate the installation of those drivers using one of the scripts available here (http://kano.mipooh.net/). If you've got broadband, you might download morphix (www.morphix.org), gaming edition, which is a live CD with said drivers, plus quite a few open source games. Enjoy.