View Full Version : computer won't power off

01-06-2004, 11:52 PM
Knoppix 3.3, HD-install

When I "shutdown" my computer whon't shut off. I see everything shutting down and at the end I see "shut off" or "power off" (I can't remember). I hear hard drive powering down, but everything remains on the screan. how can I have my computer powering off just like windows does it?

01-07-2004, 12:04 AM
Go see in your BIOS setup menu wether this computer is using ACPI or APM power-management. I have personally had more success with APM but beware that windows nt/y2k/xp will not boot if you change power mangement options so just change 'em back after playing with knoppix! You could also try "knoppix noacpi" @ the knoppix boot prompt.