View Full Version : Noob Q? man and other editors in shell... (resolved)

01-10-2004, 02:37 PM
I realize that this has got to be the noobest question anyone can think of, but, I have crashed so many konsole shell screens to the point of loosing my shell completely...

When in man, how to you EXIT man, and return to the calling shell?

I tried [esc], no luck, I tried [ctrl]+C, no luck, I tried Q and [ctrl]+Q, both, no luck...

How do you get out of these things? I was in a apt-get upgrade, and ended up in a man page from one of the upgrades, didn't figure out how to get out, and ended up crashing the shell screen. I ended up having to rerun the apt-get to find out that my boo-boo needed to be resolved by doing a dpkg --configure -a to correct it.

Is their a "common" -=- non-crashing -=- method to exiting a man, or an editor like man?

Thanks a billion,

01-10-2004, 02:53 PM
It IS q :-) (both upper and lower case seem to work)
BTW, man is not an editor, it's not even a viewer. In a default Knoppix setup man automatically pipes it's output to "more", so it you want to learn what keys to use read more's man page first.

01-10-2004, 03:00 PM
Oops, it used to be " more" in traditional unix but in Knoppix it seems to be "less" , which is compatible but has more features than "more".

01-11-2004, 04:46 AM
even though it's "less"? :lol:

01-11-2004, 07:24 AM
even though it's "less"? :lol:
Yep, people like to play games with the names of their software, especially when it is similar to something that already exists. :-) There is also another more substitute called "most" that is supposed to be even more advanced than less. :-D