View Full Version : Restart Session

01-11-2004, 06:59 PM
I am running Knoppix 3.3 from my cd rom. I make changes to the display resolution, the homepage in the web browser, then it tells me that the changes won't take effect until I restart the session. I am not quite sure how to accomplish that. This is my first time using Knoppix or any Linux, I am not of the computer generation, so please make your response very easy to follow. thanks.
Knoppix is fantastic, I can't believe it. I want to use it more as I gain some competency. I am having problems just locating where to make the changes, trial+ error.
Also the first time I ran Knoppix from my cd rom, everything was booting up ok, then the screen just went back, no action from the cd player. So I turn off my computer, then start it up again, Knoppix goes through the process of loading again, this time it completes and the desktop appears. This seems to happen every time. What am I not doing properly. Thanks, again.

07-26-2005, 11:22 PM
I had the same problem as you and was also wondering how to restart the session to make screen resolution changes take effect. It's simple:

Penguin icon on task bar -> Utilities -> Choose/Restart KNOPPIX Desktop

This post is too late for you, but it might help other people in future.

07-27-2005, 11:56 PM
hello. goto root shell and type
`reboot` to reboot your computer
`poweroff` to turn off your computer
`logoff` to exit your current session
if it says this is not login shell then do