View Full Version : What book for a Linux Beginner

01-13-2004, 09:07 PM
Folk, I noticed today that I spend an average of 3 hours a day stuck on a subway train. Idle time that's good for nothing, except to read a newspaper or a book. And that's why I am writing today:

Which book would you recommend to a Tech Support Rep, who wants to learn more about Linux? I've got Knoppix HD-Install done in no time thanks to a fantastic tutorial I found searching this site, but now I want to learn more... lots more.

So what I am looking for is a good introduction, with loads of details, but still simple enough for me to understand?

I found announcements about "Moving to Linux: Kiss the Blue Screen of Death Goodbye!", but surely there must be other books around ;-) BTW...

Your feedback is very welcome, after all we all know what RTFM stands for...

01-13-2004, 10:34 PM
Two suggestions

1. Linux Newbie Administrator Guide (http://linux-newbie.sunsite.dk/) - This is not a book that you can buy, but it's very helpful. You may find it worth printing out a copy.

2. Rute (http://www.icon.co.za/~psheer/book/rute.html.gz) - This is available on line as well as from Amazon. It's good and quite thorough.

01-14-2004, 12:28 AM
i feel as though learning linux through reading a book is like learning to drive a clutch when you've never set foot in a car. Set a small goal, like installing a program, or making your dvds not skip anymore, or changing to grub from lilo, and complete one goal at a time. there is no one easy way of learning linux, just learn as you go, but you have to go in order to learn. Use those books they told you about as a reference when you have a question. it is not until you are searching for an answer that you will remember specific information anyway. the 1st thing i recommend doing is looking at the directory structure of linux. examine where things are stored and why. it will help you to understand the inner workings of linux more than you know.

01-14-2004, 05:37 AM
I go some way with whitecracker, but unless you can take a laptop onto the underground.........

I like rute (which is available through apt -- try apt-get install rutebook) and linux cookbook (likewise). You'll have to print them out (although I know you can buy a hardcopy of Rute) but both have sections where you can simply try things out.

01-14-2004, 09:27 AM
Well Thanks a lot - I sure understand that you can only learn by trying and that's what I have done so far. I install stuff, I change stuff, I find useful guides on the internet and in posts and I manage to get those tasks acomplished.

I shall check out those recommendations and thank you guys a lot for taking the time to respond.

01-16-2004, 04:01 AM
Me too, Thanks