View Full Version : knoppix hdd impressions

01-14-2004, 12:26 PM

I am a linux newbie although i understand some basic thing. Becouse I can't download any new distro ( i am on dial up and the phone company in albania is extremely expensive 1.5 $ per hour) and all my linux distros are 1 year old, I asked a friend of mine to download knoppix for me in oreder to have the latest programs.

The installiation on hdd went great and the hardware recognition was nice.
Now I can surf ,chat, write docs easily on my old computer. :cry:

But the difficulties that I run are slow boot time , even when I do log off and I don't know if that is normal.
Open office 1.1 starts very slow ,like 26 seconds. OO 1.0 did better on Libranet 2.7.

Also if I try to open a pdf document i get two adobe acrobat windows.

I miss the snakerace and a tetris game ( i don't remeber very well the names right now ) that I used to find in every distro.
I know that knoppix wasn't bulid to run from hdd install but it would be great to have an administration menu for the system and I don't know if a group selective packages feature could be implemented during install.

Can somebody give me some help.

Best regards

01-14-2004, 06:21 PM
What system are you running? Sounds like you don't have a lot of RAM.

01-15-2004, 08:55 AM
My computer is an IBM pent.3 with 128 mb Ram and 260 mg swap. All my other Linux distros (Slack,libranet and mandrake) load kde somehow faster.
Apart of the dma = on , what else could it be ?

01-15-2004, 04:22 PM
My computer is an IBM pent.3 with 128 mb Ram and 260 mg swap. All my other Linux distros (Slack,libranet and mandrake) load kde somehow faster.
Apart of the dma = on , what else could it be ?

Try Kano's (http://www.kano.mipooh.net/) fix-fonts.sh, it slows down the loading of X & KDE when the font paths are not correct and you may want to use the remove-servers and remove-startup-services as well.