View Full Version : Knoppix STD help (it dosent like my monitor)(pleas help!!)

01-14-2004, 09:50 PM
:( my computer dosent like Knoppix STD when i boot frome the CD everything looks fine. i get to where the penguin comes up and says: "error: only one (i forgot) found" and then it says stuff like it has varifed the mouse and all that junk. Then Right when i think i have it The screen just died. I have tryed all the reccomended commands that you are sopposed to do in this situation (i found it on the FAQ on Knoppix-std.org) but nothing seems to work. Pleas help

01-14-2004, 10:00 PM

01-15-2004, 01:10 AM
I suggest you look at the cheat codes
I fixed a similar problem by entering this at the boot prompt

boot: knoppix xmodule=vesa

01-15-2004, 01:22 AM
"error, only one processor found' ???? You probably have an old network type motherboard like a netvista. I have knoppix running on several machines and this is the only one that does that and it is / was a netvista from ibm.

Just ignore that error, it should run fine other wise.

Your other problem.. I too am a newbie.

Post your video card type and etc. Many times it is a unsupported video card or, in the case of my 350 machine, the monitor is some really off brand that linux doesn't like. I just found one that it ran okay as and to heck with it.

01-18-2004, 06:09 PM
I dont believe it is a real error in the sense that something is wrong. It is just knoppix reporting that your computer only has one processor. Knoppix can deal with computers that have a dual processor (2 cpu's). The term is smp (symmetric multiprocessing) if you are ever looking for a dual cpu motherboard.

01-19-2004, 02:02 AM

I had an older system, still runs, but, running off the Live CD of Knoppix, I had to use the cheat codes to get a "visible" monitor.

My situation:
ATI All-In-Wonder Video Card,
ViewSonic ViewPanel VA700

boot: knoppix screen=1024x768 vrefresh=60

My problem was, the last thing showing on the monitor, just BEFORE the "out of sync" message from my monitor, was the "X Server" information, which is displayed as the X Window Server is starting up.

Hope this helps,