View Full Version : Knoppix 3.3 only creates one partition with the ext3 f

Uwe Brauer
01-16-2004, 08:05 PM

Right now I am still running SuSe 8.2 with the following hard
disk configuration
/dev/hda6 7341440 5870408 1471032 80% /
/dev/hda8 1172672 723876 448796 62% /home

/dev/hda6 on / type reiserfs (rw)
/dev/hda8 on /home type reiserfs (rw)

Hda7 is the swap partition.

Now I wanted not to touch this partitions but to install
knoppix on hda6 with reiserfs.

I booted the
New Knoppix release V3.3-2003-11-19
everything went fine.

The installation program seems to me knoppix installer run as root, I
can then have a look at the configuration and the hard disk partition,
everything is fine, but when I select install, knoppix offers me to
install the system on hda6 with ext3, no option for reiserfs!!!

Additionally a message occurs that /hda7 and /hda8 will be used as
swap, which is not what I want /dev/hda8 is my home directory.

What did I miss?


Uwe Brauer

01-16-2004, 08:38 PM
Which installer are you using?

Uwe Brauer
01-16-2004, 08:43 PM
Which installer are you using?

I did not emphasize enough:

I did not find any other, I heard about harddisk installer or so, but this I did not
find on the CD

01-16-2004, 08:54 PM
knx-hdinstall is the other one, it supports reiserfs

Uwe Brauer
01-16-2004, 09:01 PM
knx-hdinstall is the other one, it supports reiserfs

ok i try that one just wondering why the knoppix installer is nice but so restrictive,

01-16-2004, 11:47 PM
Knoppix-installer is the better script in my opinion. When you use it it tells you that some setting can only be changed by editing a saved configuration file.
Run the script, configure the installation and then save it.
Navigate to /home/knoppix and edit the file with a text editor.
Change filesystem type to reiser, default=ext3. Swap config can be altered although knoppix does this automattically at boot up anyway.

Uwe Brauer
01-19-2004, 12:32 PM
Knoppix-installer is the better script in my opinion. When you use it it tells you that some setting can only be changed by editing a saved configuration file.
Run the script, configure the installation and then save it.
Navigate to /home/knoppix and edit the file with a text editor.
Change filesystem type to reiser, default=ext3. Swap config can be altered although knoppix does this automattically at boot up anyway.


thanks for this one.
I could give this a try, but I also prefer always to have a /home partition apart, I presume
this can be done also.
Still I think it would be best if both installers could be merged, or just to add to the
knoppix installer the possibilty of chosing the partition and their type.
It is a little strange to have to nice installers but both are not perfect, but could be enhanced
as it seems to me easily.