View Full Version : Mozilla with KMail

01-18-2004, 02:16 PM
I am trying to get KMail to open Mozilla, instead of Konquerer, when you click on a web addy in a email. I already looked at the HELP for KMail, and went right for the File Associations of HTML, and all of its variations.

When I point HTML to Mozilla, KMail ?saves? the addy, or more exactly, copies, the addy to a local file, and then trys to fire off Mozilla to read the file. Which, Mozilla yells that it "can't read xxxxx" and dies.

Can someone who has Mozilla running from within KMail, look at your associations and tell me what you got working - or point me to the answer?

I am quite sure it has something to do with the association. It appears that even Konquerer can't figure out KMail either, I re-ordered my file associations, and placed Konquerer back at the top of the list, and it yells it can't read the web addy either.

As a test, I am trying to click on the KMail notifications that you get from this site. i.e. Someone has posted a response to a thread that you are watching... Click on the address below to view the post...

Either KMail isn't passing the address correctly, or Konquerer/Mozilla aren't receiving the address correctly - either case, it "ain't" workin.

Thanks to any answers,
Stuck in KMail without a web clickin address,
Cuddles :D