View Full Version : OpenOffice fonts messed up in 3.3

01-19-2004, 09:48 AM
I have a Dutch version of Knoppix 3.3 which I bought at the HCC bourse a couple of months ago. Everything looks great but OpenOffice is totally messed up as the font is unreadably small. In fact, OpenOffice itself looks smaller. I can't believe someone missed this when configuring OpenOffice for Knoppix. After all, I have OpenOffice running on some very old Linux versions and it looks flawless on them.

01-25-2004, 07:28 PM

I just faced the same problem on Knoppix 3.2

I think this is a screw up with Open Office 1.1.0-3 English with Knoppix


Can you confirm your version of open office?

dpkg -l openoffice* | grep ii
ii openoffice.org 1.1.0-3 high-quality office productivity suite
ii openoffice.org 1.1.0-3 OpenOffice.org office suite binary files
ii openoffice.org 1.1.0-3+2 Debian specific parts of OpenOffice.org
ii openoffice.org 1.1.0-3 English US language package for openoffice.o