View Full Version : Installed Knoppix to HD and it will not recognize drives

01-20-2004, 04:11 AM
I installed Knoppix 3.3 to my hp pc. It will not recognize my hard-drive second partition my DVD-rom drive, my Lexar Media USB Jumpdrive or my CD-RW. However it recognizes all of the devices when it is running from the bootable CD.

The mirror I downloaded it from was perdue.edu and the md5 file checked out.
what should I do how can I get Linux to recognize the partition (ext3), DVD-ROM, CDRW, and USB device?

01-20-2004, 04:26 AM
It just is not displaying the icons. After a hard drive install, you'll need to go into the control center and find the section that controls what icons to display on the desktop, and add cd/dvds/and hard drive partitions to be displayed.

You may also want to go into the /etc/fstab file and remove the leading # from the bottom section of items discovered by knoppix, that way they will auto-mount when you boot.

01-20-2004, 04:35 AM
Thanks for the help!
I put the Icons on the desktop and it tells me all the drives are unmounted and it is still not showing the hda2.
I put disk in all the drives and I cannot get to the CD and when I click mount it freezes up on me.
The Lexar Media Jumpdrive has files on it an when I added all the icons to the desktop nothing showed up for it.