View Full Version : Windows GUI on Linux is possible!

01-22-2004, 04:52 AM
Hello, I know that this is a knoppix site, but XPde is looking for developers to create an "exact to the pixel" Windows GUI for Linux.

Any one that knows how to code, they would like some help. This is a great project and I know that many will want to use this product.


01-22-2004, 05:13 AM
That is just :twisted:

01-22-2004, 05:36 AM
Its a great effort. But my question is why. Will that copy of linux be coded to function like windows too. Why ?

01-22-2004, 09:51 AM
Because a lot of people (pronounce "newbies") have just started to use a computer and it's rather easy that the pc where they started learning was running XP. If you want to give gnu/linux a chance to "charm" this users out of XP, you have to let them work with the PC in a WinXP fashion. That's the standar out-of-the-book answer for that cuestion. (I still think a fluxbox or a afterstep winmanager is nicer and better, not to mencion KDE or Gnome...)

This is just a windowmanager project, the rest of the linux os is the same. No new features like bsod in Linux, so it's a project to reproduce the look, not the feel. ;)

Not a bad idea, but how about taking just the XP gui concept and make it a little better. I've been working on my job pc with XP for 3 months and I bet there are better ways to make some things (who the hell designed the new window style, It's horrible imho!), but others like the start menu that shows the more frecuently used apps are nice.

02-18-2004, 11:07 PM
Xandros is very close to this idea. - infringing on coppyrights. they do a very good job easy to config installs simple samba autoconfig. they have that.

02-19-2004, 12:01 AM
I just finished testing Xandros. So far theirs is the closest to a windows environment. Even the File Browser is close. If I was to choose a distro for the new "linux from windows" convert it would be that one.

02-28-2004, 08:46 PM
I would not be interested in a Windows-looking GUI as I rather like being away from Micro$oft and don't want any reminders. :wink:

OTOH, it would be funny for there to be a Windows clone that was stable, fast, and free--just to show the nice people in Redmond that it *can* be done, lol.

02-29-2004, 08:02 AM
I think so too, except for functionality. I think it would be fun to get someone to sit behind a linux box with it painted like windows. Get them to install some programs and make some documents. Just to see how long it take them to find out that it was Linux under the hood.

I am no way in support of Linux merging into Windows or making linux act like windows. But what I do want is a winows manager to act like windows. (Get the difference?) I know Linux is better in many ways. And for linux to become windows would wreck the whole idea of choice. If Linux ever got to the point of killing windows, Linux would become the "New Windows"! It would be the hated one that forces us to be told what to use.

I want something that allows me to use Linux and makes me comfortable at the same time. I doubt that I will ever get to see this come about though. I am being forced to learn linux starting today. (If I don't I might lose some upcomming oportunities in my job)