View Full Version : Need custom knoppix CD building

01-22-2004, 01:41 PM

We have the need for a bootable CD-ROM we can use with our web-based stock control system.

It needs the hardware detection of knoppix but it must boot without a username and password straight to an X session running only mozilla (ie no window manager).

It needs to be able to print to a network printer as well.

If anyone reading this thread has the knowledge of doing this, please give me call

+44 191 460 1700
+44 773 473 6896

We'll pay you for the work and then you can release it as an ISO if you see fit.



01-22-2004, 08:13 PM

Boot straight to minimal X window manager such as icewm at pre-selected resolution. Open Mozilla or Mozilla-firebird browser to pre-set homepage, in kiosk (full-screen only) mode. Run cupsd service, and open the configurator so that it can be set to use an available network printer.

If that fits with your needs, it sounds like something that would be pretty easy to do.

01-22-2004, 10:29 PM
Yes, that's about the size of it, I'd prefer to even loose icewm and just load the X server and start mozilla (ie no WM at all). It should auto-login as a default user with very low privilleges (no umount etc). I also need a few preferences setting in mozilla, proxies etc. It then needs re-mastering.

I'm sure anyone with any knowledge of re-mastering could do it very easily but I just don't have the time to learn.


01-23-2004, 03:07 AM
I want to do pretty much the exact same thing... have a CD that'll boot right into X and be "shelled out" to a browser. I just don't know where to start... I mounted the knoppix image and am poking around in it, but it looks like nothing but docs and stuff. There's a /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX file that appears to be ~726MB, but... it doesn't appear to be an image itself.

01-23-2004, 11:58 AM
Try ByzantineOS


01-23-2004, 07:13 PM
for starters, boot Knoppix at runlevel 3( enter "knoppix 3" at the boot prompt ). Then, when it boots the the console, change users to the knoppix user( su knoppix ) and run xinit with mozilla as the executable( xinit -e `which mozilla` ). You'll get a session with only mozilla running.

1) boot prompt: knoppix 3
2) console prompt: su knoppix
3) console prompt: xinit -e `which mozilla`

you'd need to customize the default $HOME/.mozilla files so your bookmarks are set right and then modify/customize/remaster Knoppix so it does this by default. Heck, this might be doable from a knoppix.sh script....

01-25-2004, 06:05 PM
Any takers on this? Surely this must be an easy job for a seasoned re-masterer (is this a word?). Why not just give me call and discuss a fee?



01-28-2004, 01:15 AM
I suppose I can assist you with the above that has been described.

Understand a few things- the beta I make will likely need further work if oddball network card drviers are required, if booted on an espeically old monitor, and possibly to add a specific drvier for your printer.

01-29-2004, 06:31 PM
Any takers on this? Surely this must be an easy job for a seasoned re-masterer (is this a word?). Why not just give me call and discuss a fee?



we do commercial "knoppix-like" cdroms and flash for embedded systems. if youre interested email me at zurkATarbornetDOTorg.

01-29-2004, 07:05 PM
Consider changing the boot.img and predefine the screen resolution and frambuffer settings.

- Ambrose