View Full Version : ClusterKnoppix install

01-28-2004, 07:33 PM
I downloaded the iso from the web site and burned it.

That was fine but the cd does not boot nor give a way to install it has KNOPPIX
2.88 img file and a security file

What am i suppose to do with this any help please

01-28-2004, 08:52 PM
I downloaded the iso from the web site and burned it.

That was fine but the cd does not boot nor give a way to install it has KNOPPIX
2.88 img file and a security file

What am i suppose to do with this any help pleaseIf it does not boot then there are a few possibilities:

1) Your PC is not set to boot off the CDROM, either change the CMOS boot sequence to try the CDROM first. If you PC just won't do it DL this floppy disk image. http://bootcd.narod.ru/bcdl020.zip . It simply chains the boot to the CDROM. Comes in handy.

2) The ISO is bad or burnt bad, which means you will have to either re-DL or reburn the CD again.

The 2.88 image is necessary because of the large size of the OpenMosix kernel. Either invest in a 2.88 floppy or get the CDROM boot problem fixed.

01-28-2004, 09:07 PM
Well I got it going now it works :)

Now the next problem if you can help

I made a boot disk for another machine and trying to use it as a work station to boot from server it boots up and starts the load the give me kernel panics and halt on load of the kernel

any ideas maybe its a bad boot disk ???

well hope you can help thanks