View Full Version : How can I stop screen from rolling after boot?

01-30-2004, 12:36 AM
I put my brand new Knoppix 3.3 CD-R into my old Gateway Pentium II. Everything seemed to be coming up fine until the CRT screen started rolling and wouldn't stop. About the last thing that the CRT displayed before it started rolling was Starting X11, then the CRT clicked, seemed to turn off, and came back on rolling and unreadable. After reading other messages here, I tried:

boot: knoppix lang=us vga=normal


boot: knoppix failsafe

both with the same result.

According to the Belarc Advisor, the display is:
STB Velocity 128 (Display Adapter)
Standard VGA 640x480 (Monitor)

The system starts up just fine; what can I do to keep it working???

Thanks for any response.

01-30-2004, 12:50 AM
OK, I answered my own question.

Knoppix: screen=640x480


Thanks anyway.

01-30-2004, 01:22 AM
Also try vga=normal.

But if screen... works, then that's good.

- Ambrose