View Full Version : Flonix build40 is out : no word to describe it

01-30-2004, 10:24 AM
I've installed it this moring on my key, it's just TOP :!: :D :D :D

:arrow: http://mir2.ovh.net/flonix/Flonix_USB_Edition_build40.zip (USB Edition)
:arrow: http://mir2.ovh.net/flonix/Flonix_CD_Edition_build40.iso (CD Edition)

they have a new site :

01-30-2004, 11:35 PM
Many people have mentioned installing this on a USB pen drives and so forth, but how do you boot off such a device?

Do you need to have a "boot USB device" capable BIOS, and if so, how widespread are such BIOS'es?

What are the chances that you could just plug into any arbitrary friends PC and have it boot?

01-31-2004, 05:50 AM
Unfortunately, finding the right hardware is not easy. Many motherboards default to USB,CD,HD (unless changed by the user) USB can have sevral names (such as LS120). It would be great if motherboard companies would increase support for USB booting (I contacted XFX, who made mine about USB booting, they just ignored me).
Another problem with USB distros is space, flonix would certainly not qualify as anymore than an internet client.
Someone should really make a simple distro with lots of hw support, XPde, abiword, firebird, gnumeric, SciTE, maybe a game or two and that's it, no more extra stuff. That would probably work best for a USB distro.

01-31-2004, 01:22 PM
Another problem with USB distros is space, flonix would certainly not qualify as anymore than an internet client.
Someone should really make a simple distro with lots of hw support, XPde, abiword, firebird, gnumeric, SciTE, maybe a game or two and that's it, no more extra stuff. That would probably work best for a USB distro.

You didn't take a look to Flonix fonctionalities and probably never tried it :!:

Internet is a small part of what Flonix can do.
Flonix includes a media center, mplayer, xcdroast, gkrellm, tuxpuck, mozilla firebird, sylpheed, gaim, scite, abs,...
flonix hardware support is ~= knoppix
desktop is now a nice icewm

Try Flonix CD Edition if USB edition doesn't boot with your motherboard.

02-04-2004, 10:12 AM
build 41 is out :!: