View Full Version : Problems booting Knoppix-3.3 without its CD

01-31-2004, 09:10 AM
It was possible to copy Knoppix-3.2 core to HD and use it faster from there, but Knoppix-3.3 cannot find core on any (vfat, ext2, ext3) HD partitions (i.e., mount them), and also refuse to perform boot commands “fromhd” or “tohd”.

Additionally, kernel vmlinuz-2.4.22-xfs boots only from Knoppix-3.3 CD, but if it boots without Knoppix-3.3 CD it ends with “Kernel panic, cannot mount root partition …”. I tried recommended for this case: "knoppix mem=256M" without success (also tried 249M, 248M, 247M as 8M is used for integrated video, and other kernels recognize usable 248M).

:roll: What is a problem?? How to boot this kernel when entire Knoppix-3.3 (or only compressed core) is copied to HD??

Any suggestion??
Best, Alex

01-31-2004, 11:29 AM
I’m new in this forum, and even after reading all “HDD Install” section I’ve not found answer for my problem.

I’d like to add than copied to HD Knoppix-3.3 works good (with some restrictions as vmlinuz-2.4.22-xfs modules are not loaded) after booting in other kernels as from floppy or HD lilo, or by linld.exe, but vmlinuz-2.4.22-xfs led to “kernel panic, cannot mount root ...”

In HDD Install I met in lilo:


What is this initrd.gz ?? Where to get it??

initrd=/miniroot.gz placed on HD from Knoppix CD led to the same result , i.e., Sorry, cannot find Knoppix.