View Full Version : Partitioning within knoppix

01-31-2004, 01:27 PM
Hi I'm a total fool. I tried to install knoppix to HDD following all the instructions when I realised I hadn't created a partition for a swap file. Is there anyway I can create a partition within knoppix itself as I may of accidentally on purpose deleted my windows install on it?

01-31-2004, 04:39 PM
I didn't understand your questions very well. Well, you want to know if you can ceate/modify partitions with knoppix (installe or livecd). Yes, you can. You only need the partitioning program. I don't know where to find the partitioning program, but I use this workaround:

I open a terminal console. There I attemp to launch the hdd installer (sudo knoppix-installer). One of the first steps in this process is to partition the disk, so this script launchs the partitioning program. If you use this program carefully you will be able to create your swap partition. Be very carefull with this program because you could erase information in your hdd

After you partitioned your hdd you can cancel the installation.

01-31-2004, 04:41 PM
yeh thats what I did, but I then realised the swap file wouldn't be big enough as I'd already set it when using knoppix from cd earlier so I was worried it might not have enough swap file space to run at maximum efficency
Ah, never mind I just saw the answer to my question in the HDD forum

01-31-2004, 07:40 PM
Knoppix has a partitioning program on it (several in fact). If you want to partition your hard drive without destroying the data on an existing partition, then you need to first non destructively resize that partition. You can do this with qtparted. Qtparted will essentially do what Norton's Partition Magic does, but for free. So first resize your partion using Qtparted and then run the installer and install Knoppix on the free space you alocated with Qtparted. If you don't care about preserving the data and simply want to partition from scratch, then you can use the command line utility, cfdisk. If you resize with Qtparted, make sure to defragment the windows partition first. This should work out fine, but as always in such circumstances BACK UP YOUR CRITICAL DATA FIRST!!!