View Full Version : Forum name

02-01-2004, 12:12 AM
Can we change the forum name we use?
I would like to change mine.

02-01-2004, 01:00 AM
Can we change the forum name we use?
I would like to change mine.

I do not think that is possible one thing we can change though is that HUGE!!! picture you are using for the avatar it takes up almost a full screen for your post.

02-01-2004, 01:13 AM
I SECOND that :!:

Suggested avitars are maximum 6k size, 80 by 80 pixels -=- not sure how many PIXELS that avitar is, but "I" think its a little over that.


02-01-2004, 02:46 AM
I SECOND that :!:

Suggested avitars are maximum 6k size, 80 by 80 pixels -=- not sure how many PIXELS that avitar is, but "I" think its a little over that.


It's 320x452...just *slightly* over :wink: :lol:

02-01-2004, 04:08 AM
Lucky there is a per-user avitar switch ;)

Sorry Snow, it is not possable to change your username.

02-01-2004, 04:15 AM
320x452 :!:

I've small *background* images that that, I think maybe they could have used a little "resize" on that avitar to bring it down to a "normal" size.

Eadz - thanks - they had another post that easily was a single sentence post, and was a little excessive with the avitar involved.


02-01-2004, 04:18 AM
Ok, remote avitars are now disabled. This means we can limit the size of them. more info :

02-01-2004, 07:54 AM
Ok, remote avitars are now disabled. This means we can limit the size of them. more info :

Ok. I'm still new here so please bear with me while I learn what all this stuff is.
How do I determin the size of a picture when I dont know.
Or is there a way to reduce a picture so that it is the correct size.
If I was the reason for the disableing I am sorry. You can reinable it if you like. I will not post any more avitars untill I find one that is very small.

02-01-2004, 08:00 AM
I hope this is a better pick. If it is not I will try again. But I think it is about right.

02-01-2004, 04:38 PM

? Determining size of image ?

In (most) image editors, the lower right corner of the image, if the editor displays the location of the mouse pointer within the actual image, it will display the size in pixels.

If you are using Knoppix, if you hover (move your mouse over a image in a folder) over an image, I get a nice little description of what the file contains: if the file contains text, the desciption will be a display of the text, if it is an image, like a jpg file, not only will it show the image, but will tell you a lot of neat stuff about the image, like if it has compression, the size (in bytes) of the image, and the size (in pixels) of the image, an example would be something like this:

JPG Image
dates created / modified, etc...

As for your question about how one can change the sizes, that depends on the image editor software, but a lot of times, the image editor software, maybe in a menu item of IMAGE, or something, with have an option like "RESIZE" - most that I have seen, allow you to change the size of the image either by pixels, or by percentage. Your choice of avitar wasn't bad, its just the size of it, that was.

If you are running Knoppix, try KPaint, you can find it on the KMenu (this is the same as the Start Menu in Windows), go up to "Multimedia", and then "Graphics", and see if you have KPaint - if not that, you can see if you have "The GIMP" - KPaint worked better for me, its quick, and easy...

KPaint Resize:
Go to FILE and OPEN your avitar image...
Once your image is loaded - it will be visible in the dark grey center section - then go to IMAGE, and below than Menu Item you will find RESIZE - A nice little box will be shown - place a "X" in the KEEP PICTURE RATIO - (this makes sure that when you change either the WIDTH or the HEIGHT - your image doesn't get "squished" inproportional - now change the value of the WIDTH - since the HEIGHT will be greyed out, first try to change the width to 80 and examine in the greyed out HEIGHT if your number is equal or less than 80 as well - if not, change the WIDTH until the HEIGHT is. When both the HEIGHT and WIDTH are equal or below 80, click the OK. Your image should NOW be smaller. Select FILE, and SAVE AS, you might not want to call your new image the same name as what you loaded in, since the original image is fine, just that you might not want to use it as your avitar. Once the image is saved. Open you folder view, and HOVER over your new image you just created, you can then check that your SIZE in PIXELS of the image is OK, and also check the SIZE in BYTES of the image.

Your target is equal or less than 6.0k, or 6,144 bytes
and 80 x 80 (in pixels)

If thats been accomplished, reconnect to Knoppix.Net, and update your profile with your new image as your avitar.

I hope this helps you a little, and hope to see that Coyote as your avitar, just not as big as it was :D