View Full Version : persistent home is asking for a password?!?

02-01-2004, 06:38 AM
I created a persistent home directory and then rebooted so I could use it. The system is now prompting me for a 20-character password. I have no idea what to enter, and it won't let me enter nothing. What do I do???

02-01-2004, 06:41 AM
Think of a password you can remember (or write it down) -- don't forget, Linux is case sensitive -- and enter it.

02-01-2004, 06:51 AM
I never answered the question about whether to encrypt this persistent home. After I told it to create it, the window disappeared and I thought it was done. Now I realize from something I read on another site that it wasn't done at all--it was just taking a long time. So I turned off my computer while it was in the middle of creating the persistent home area, the format is unrecognizable, and that's why Knoppix thinks it's encrypted. It's not encrypted; it's corrupted. Now what do I do? How do I delete it and start again?

02-01-2004, 07:06 AM
I recreated it, and this time I let it run to completion. It works much better that way. :lol:

It's disconcerting that the system gives no indication that it's doing anything during the pause.

02-01-2004, 05:47 PM
(most) Of the time, in Knoppix, as well as in Windows, you should at least get a message stating: "Completed" - go on that assumption :D

At the end of the creation of the persistant options, Knoppix should return by saying Completed [something] -=- and give you an OK button to click on...

Also, I hope, you were not LITERALLY turning off your computer, and actually using the Shutdown option - this kind of "powering off" is very bad, both in Knoppix, Linux, and even Windows - since most Operating Systems now-a-days, have lots of files and stuff open, they need to do a "orderly" shutdown, or when you power the computer back on, it may not be pretty. :D

But, you are right though, maybe a progress bar or something, would be nice, like: Process Completion ### % -=- or something -=- Please Wait... Creating [something] -=- and THEN, the Completed. :?:


02-01-2004, 08:34 PM
I have my persistent home area working just fine now, along with my persistent config file. I have some other questions, but I'll post that in a new thread.

Re powering off... Knoppix is very weird about this. I log out of Knoppix, and it shuts down the OS but not the computer. I have to hold down the power button for 10 seconds to manually turn it off. Then about five minutes later, the computer spontaneously turns itself on again. It is EXTREMELY annoying. What's with this??

Also, how come Knoppix doesn't have a restart option? You have to actually power off to log on again.

02-01-2004, 09:54 PM
It does have a restart option, but I think thats only after you install it to the hard drive, i.e. a full hd install. Thats what I know, I used the cd for a while, and then hdd installed my knoppix.
