View Full Version : How do you log in as Root

02-01-2004, 09:52 AM
I was wondering if any one could tell me how to log in as root in Knoppix.

02-01-2004, 12:54 PM
you didn't say if you are running knoppix from cd or hd. If you installed it on your hard disk, you can select your login in the start menu, to enter the system.

I suppose you are runnig from Cd, so you have to run Konsole and then type su.


so from this point you are root. to run programs type the comands there. (for example konqueror, xmms, mozilla...)

It would let you configure programs as root.

02-01-2004, 06:21 PM
you didn't say if you are running knoppix from cd or hd. If you installed it on your hard disk, you can select your login in the start menu, to enter the system.

I suppose you are runnig from Cd, so you have to run Konsole and then type su.


so from this point you are root. to run programs type the comands there. (for example konqueror, xmms, mozilla...)

It would let you configure programs as root.

Sorry. I am running from a hard drive.

{{you can select your login in the start menu, to enter the system.}}

Sorry I dont know what you mean. Where exactly is this?

Is ther a way to do a Knoppix loggin like most other distros or is the defalt start up the only one?

02-01-2004, 06:57 PM

If you ran a HD Install of Knoppix, when you were installing, it should have asked you what a password was for the SuperUser, or Root account... You would have had to enter a password, and verify it by re-entering it a second time... Then the install would have asked you for the Knoppix account password, and would have, again, asked you to re-enter it.

Upon booting into your newly installed Knoppix, from the hard drive, I get (mostly) the same text boot stuff, maybe a little more text stuff than when I booted from the CD, but the same Linux Penguin in the upper left corner of the screen... Then, Knoppix should change from a text based screen, to a nice Debian Logo Graphics Screen. The Login Screen.

In the Login Graphics Screen, you have a choice... Select the "Account" you want to login to, on the left, and it should place the LOGIN NAME in a text box on the right, with a blank password text box below it. You enter the password for the account you selected in the password text box, and either press return, or enter, or click the GO, or it might say OK, and you should be logging into that account.

If by chance, you did enter a password during the install process, and don't remember it, I haven't a clue how you can reset it to something... (maybe someone else knows that one) But, this is how a "normal" login is accomplished after you do a hard drive install. I have Knoppix v3.3, if you do not have that save version, the login may be a little different, but I think the gest of it is about the same.

Hope this helps,

02-01-2004, 08:02 PM
Never got any of that.
I did a sudo install. Never got any requests for passwords.
If I were to do a Debian install I would get one but never saw one for Knoppix.

02-02-2004, 12:55 AM
Hi snow:

I don't know where is the problem. As says Cuddles if you did a hard disk install (knx-hdinstall or knoppix-installer) you where requested to enter a root password and other one for the knoppix user. Ok it is at least if you do a debian install. If you did a knoppix install (the same as Cd) the password is truncated and you don't have to enter it, and you weren't ask for it.

So, did you do a knoppix-like installation?

if you do, the only way I know to run programs as root is typing the
commands in konsole. Your login would be always as a simple user. I
recommend you reinstalling it in debian-like mode (or through

If you did a debian-like installation the problem would be that you have selected autologin when starting the system. :lol:

02-02-2004, 03:04 AM
Ok. I did a sudo install but it did not ask for a password at any time.

""If you did a knoppix install (the same as Cd) the password is truncated and you don't have to enter it, and you weren't ask for it. ""

And this is what I did. Not a Debian install.

So what is the command to get root access?

02-02-2004, 03:08 AM
""I suppose you are runnig from Cd, so you have to run Konsole and then type su.

#su ""

The last time I did this this is not what I had to do. First I had to create a Password.
The command was something like pswrd or psword ir something like that.
Once I had a password it was easy to get root controle but I had to set up the password first.

Does any one know how to do this.

02-02-2004, 03:12 AM
Snow, the command you are refering to is: passwd

You can view the man pages for the command as well.


02-02-2004, 03:24 AM
But, Snow, if you are getting ticked off here, we were simply answering your "initial" post question:

Snow wrote:
I was wondering if any one could tell me how to log in as root in Knoppix.

The command passwd does not log you in as root, it only changes the password to a user, which, if you are getting ticked off here about replies not providing you answers to changining passwords, you shouldn't be, the replies you have been getting were based on your initial post question, and, if you wanted to know "How do I change passwords in Knoppix?" - you would have gotten the command "passwd" a lot sooner.

If I made a post about "How do I solve the national debt?" - I wouldn't expect replies on Knoppix at all, nor would I expect to get an answer, or a command that Knoppix knows.

Even your last post, didn't ask for "How do I set a password?", you asked the following:

Snow wrote:
So what is the command to get root access?

Again, you were given replies on how to get to root account access.

The command to get root access is: su
The command to login as root is: you use the login prompt and root password.
The command to change passwords is: passwd (in a konsole window)


02-03-2004, 03:12 PM
I do like this..
open root shell
type sudo su <enter>
type passwd <enter>
and type in password when it says so on screen
(it wont show up when you type the password)

Then I use for example filemanager in superuser mode to copy files.

Hope it helps :)
