View Full Version : Add files to Knoppix CD?

02-03-2004, 06:15 PM
Hi, I am about to do a LFS (Linux From Scratch) system using a Knoppix CD and was wondering if it would be possible to add two files onto this CD ISO before I burn it? I do not have a currently up and running linux box, only my WinXP laptop. I just want to add the packages.tar.gz and the manual.pdf for lfs onto it so when ever I boot with this cd I can do a lfs system easily without a network connection. Thanks!


02-04-2004, 05:10 PM
Ok its not strictly the right answer but perhaps it might be easier than remastering to stick em on a USB device ??

If you have a DVD burner it might be easier but there's no room on a knoppix Cd to add anything.... so you'd have to remaster and then that involves taking someything out and the deps etc. which if all you wanna do is install the base LFS is a pain....

Depending how big you might try overburning a CD ??
However Ive no idea how to open and add to an iso9660 filesystem under windows. Under linux its pretty trivial. just open it rw and then copy to it and rewrite it....