View Full Version : Question on Audio Hijacking ?

02-04-2004, 01:52 AM
Hijacking ? Interesting word, but I think it applies to what I want to do...

In Windows, I was able to play an audio source, or even a DVD, and "hijack" the audio track to save as a WAV file. I have tried, and failed, to be able to do this in Linux/Knoppix.

First the background...
Knoppix HD Installed v 3.3
Sound card...
***** Input coming from an external stereo system.
***** Output going to both speakers on monitor, and an external stereo system.

All inputs and outputs have been tested, they worked as expected in Windows, and both the in, and outs, have been tested one-at-a-time, in Knoppix/Linux.

What I want to do:
I want to play a DVD, usually XINE, or play a CD, or cassette tape, from either stereo system, or from the internal computer device -=- and record (hijack) the audio to be saved within the computer system. Using the computer CDROM (audio) I usually use XMMS.

I tried XINE and Audacity - XINE worked fine playing, but Audacity yelled about the fact that the audio was locked by another source, and would not allow play, or record, within itself.

In Windows, I agree you can't play two sources at one time, only one source can have control of a output -=- but, Nothing had control of the RECORD side, and in Windows, I could get a audio program to "tap" the record side. It appears, with Audacity, this isn't the case. It wants both control of the Play, but also the Record.

Has anyone had any luck getting audio sources recorded while playing a source???

Thanks in advance...
BTW - My (side/hobby) business is providing AUDIO transcribing to CDROM - usually, customers provide a source on cassette tape (analog), and I take that source, as per customer requirements, and master a CDROM (digital) for them - complete with Liner notes, and labeling. If I can't get Knoppix/Linux to accept input and output from all sources, and still allow recording, I think my (personal) business is going to go under here. Thanks

02-04-2004, 02:09 PM
I'm no Linux sound expert but you might want to go to Sourceforge.net and look at the entries in the Software map - Sound/Audio - Capture/Recording to see if anything suits you.
(Try: http://sourceforge.net/softwaremap/trove_list.php?form_cat=115)

Bear in mind the projects in Sourceforge reflect different operating systems - there ought to be a way for Linux to do it.
Good luck!

02-04-2004, 04:56 PM
For the DVD or Cd audio I'd probably not go via a wave at all or analogue!

For your business thats a different story!!!!

For cdaudio its better to extract it as cdaudio directly .. the base utility is cdparanioia et al. K3B front ends this all nicely if your intended source is a CD.

For DVD then their are equivalant tools to do this for DVD's including the video if you like but you can also just capture the audio direct to mp3

DRIP and DVD::RIP are the projects to check out for this

For analogue input from a tape or whatever, its pretty easy but confusing. You should be on a full dupex capable card AND the card driver must be full duplex. Often this isn't the case....
(its a real pain getting the nforce audio to work full duplex)

The kmixer app can be confusing as to what is the actual source....
It is possible but maybe its your soundcard driver.....
what soundcard is it and which driver ????

02-06-2004, 03:38 AM

Unfortunately, with the cost of the new system purchase, I had to live with the motherboard sound card, with all the talk about SB 5.1 and stuff, I may buy a PCI slot Sound Card, but that is down the way a way, as will also be a AGP Video Card - all future purchases...

From digging around, here is what I can find:

From Info Center - PCI section:
00:07.7 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)
Subsystem: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller
Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 10
I/O ports at dc00 [size=256]
I/O ports at e000 [size=4]
I/O ports at e400 [size=4]
Capabilities are blanked out due to me using a non-root account to view information...

From what I can find in dmesg, this is what (applies) to my sound device:
Via 686a/8233/8235 audio driver 1.9.1-ac3
PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:07.5
PCI: Setting latency timer of device 00:07.5 to 64
ac97_codec: AC97 Audio codec, id: ALG48 (Unknown)
via82cxxx: Codec rate locked at 48Khz
via82cxxx: board #1 at 0xDC00, IRQ 10

I know, not the best setup for a business that deals with audio, but, I only had so much money, and the system itself took out the pocket book, quickly....


02-06-2004, 08:00 AM
I'm struggling with this one, too, but my problem is simpler: I can get mplayer to play .wma files, but I can't find any way of redirecting the output through a filter to record them in a sensible format.

Ah well. I'll keep on struggling. In the meantime, I found this:


which looks to have several recorders (some of which are available as debs).

02-06-2004, 03:45 PM

Thanks for the list, I have compiled, and gotten a few of my own, as well, of which, all were able to be gotten through apt-get install...

Sound-Recorder (my system says I already had this one?)
Ardour-Gtk (pr -Ksi) - after installing, it yelled it couldn't find a "Jack Server" - so I did a apt-get install on "jack" and Ardour still yells about not fininding it - so this one has gone "shelf-ware"

and some utilities I found that would (probably) come in handy, someday...

From the "programs" above, what I was really impressed with was Glame and Rezound - some very well done GUI's -=- haven't had the chance to see if they can "hijack" a sound from the sound card, w/o screaming like Audicity [sp] did.
