View Full Version : Multibooting

02-04-2004, 06:01 AM
I currently have Windows XP home installed, I want to install knoppix on my hard drive so I can use it as I please without the CD, how would I go about doing this, without getting rid of the windows partition? Would I have to make a new partition? And how would I boot to Knoppix?

02-04-2004, 03:35 PM

Ok, you can install if on your hard disk. The only problem is partitions.

Well, if you have partition manager you can resize your Xp partition and then create two new partiotions:

1- at least 2.5GB to install knoppix (ext3, raiserfs...)
2- at least 385Mb swapp (swapp linux)

Then you run your knoppix cd and when started, do:

ctr + Alt +F1

#sudo su

Select the correct settings, and then it would be installed.

You have to select install lilo (when asked, select yes) and install it on the MBR. It would let you select linux or windows during boot.

Finally, reboot and you'll see the lilo boot menu.

If you don't have partition magic, you can use Qtparted. in konsole do:


And then, resize, create new partitions...

Good luck

02-05-2004, 12:56 AM
So what is the minimum amount of space that I need to allocate to knoppix?

02-05-2004, 01:04 PM

ok, for the minimun installation (all the programs contained in the Cd) and to have a few free space, I recommend 3GB:

- 385 swapp
- rest for installation

If you have done the partitions before typing knx-hdinstall, they would be detected automatically.