View Full Version : File Permission ?----------

02-04-2004, 07:16 PM
I am trying to restore and save some data from an XP box that has gone down the popular micro$oft way, to hell. So i Popped in my trusty Knoppix cd and started copying some of my important data over. I have run into one problem. There is a XP profile that I need to get into that has a permission of ?-----------. I cant chmod it. Any suggestions?

02-04-2004, 08:06 PM
I am trying to restore and save some data from an XP box that has gone down the popular micro$oft way, to hell. So i Popped in my trusty Knoppix cd and started copying some of my important data over. I have run into one problem. There is a XP profile that I need to get into that has a permission of ?-----------. I cant chmod it. Any suggestions?

Well, that'll teach ya. :)
Seriously ... this is my favorite way to rescue data on all the XP boxes I get from friends that are toast. And to prove it, I just snagged an MS document from an XP profile on the another partitian of this dual-boot box and copied to the home folder. Yeah, Konquorer complained that it could not 'change' permissions but copied it anyway. I was then able to manipulate it in any fashion.
Perhaps your XP profile is corrupted. Sorry.