View Full Version : Boot Disks

02-04-2004, 09:35 PM
Just got a copy of KNOPPIX and it fires up just fine on a computer set for CD/ROM booting. However i want to use and learn about it on another computer that won't set for CD/ROM booting. I tried the windows boot disk and the CD would not start automatidally.

My question is how do I make a boot disk that will auto start the KNOPPIX. I have found a lot of references on making such a floppy but there is not enough info to make one.

I hope someone can give me the info I need to get it going. NO the computer it works out is out of the question.


02-05-2004, 01:24 AM
Get Smart Boot Manager (http://btmgr.sourceforge.net/index.php3?body=about.html) and you can boot any cd on any machine that isn't capable of booting from cd on its own.

02-05-2004, 03:59 PM
Have taken a look at boot manager and it seems to be more than I want to tackle at this time. So far it appears to leave many unanswered questions on how to complie it. Will keep reading but think I will need a lot more infor on how to do it.

Oh well if I wanted thintgs easy I would have never got into computers.


02-05-2004, 07:31 PM

follow the above link and download the morphix bootdisk and use dd to write it to a floppy like this.

(as root)
dd if=morphixboot_02.img of=/dev/fd0



02-05-2004, 10:02 PM
Need more info. Not sure about using dd. What is it and how do you use it. Hopefully I will learn how to do things.

I suspect it is a linux command but really don't have a clue.


02-06-2004, 12:58 AM
Need more info. Not sure about using dd. What is it and how do you use it. Hopefully I will learn how to do things.

I suspect it is a linux command but really don't have a clue.


Simply open a terminal and enter the command as Rock posted it. If you're usng KDE the Konsole is the monitor w/ the shell on it in the taskbar. I would suggest getting very familiar with it. ;)

02-12-2004, 09:15 PM
i want to use it on the computer at my school. the problem is in the boot sequence the cd is last and the bios is pw protected.
i tried Smart Boot MAnager but the cdrom does not show up
its an dell optiplex gx150.
is there any solution to boot knoppix?

02-17-2004, 03:02 AM
It's easy to use dd. If you had a floppy image named boot.img then cd into the same directory that boot.img is in and do:

dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0